Why does my third brake light not working?

Why does my third brake light not working?

Blown Fuse If all three of your brake lights stopped working, a blown brake light fuse may be the problem. In that case, you don’t need to replace the third brake light. To determine if the fuse is the issue, you need to check it. Find the fuse box.

Does the third brake light have to work?

Federal law mandates that all vehicles have the third brake light outfitted within the car. Additionally, the third light must be comparable to the other brake lights on the vehicle so that it is not distracting to the drivers behind the vehicle.

What is the Chmsl fuse?

CHMSL = Center High Mounted Stop Light (or Lamp, if you so prefer). A GM lighting technology, the Center High Mounted Stop Lamp is the horizontal stop light that typically sits at or near the top of a vehicle, and helps following vehicles better see a vehicle that’s applying its brakes and slowing.

What causes the brake lights to not work?

If one or more of your brake lights isn’t working properly, it could mean one of three things: The brake light system fuse is blown, the brake light bulbs are burned out or the brake light wiring switch is broken. All of these issues are easy to troubleshoot.

Why are my brake lights not working but my tail lights are?

The Light Bulbs Blown out light bulbs are the most common reason for why the brake lights not working but the tail lights are. Remove the screws from the bulb lens (which you can access through the trunk or see your vehicle repair manual to get the exact location). Choose the new bulbs of the same type and wattage.

Why are both my brake lights not working?

If your brake lights aren’t working, fix them immediately for safety’s sake. If one or more of your brake lights isn’t working properly, it could mean one of three things: The brake light system fuse is blown, the brake light bulbs are burned out or the brake light wiring switch is broken.

Can a bad turn signal switch no brake lights?

On vehicles that use the same lights for brakes and turn signals, a bad turn-signal switch can cause the lower brake-lights not to work. With a bad turn-signal switch, the third-light should still function. On this type system, the turn signals and brakes use the same circuit.

What does ATC fuse mean?

the ATC fuse stands for automatic transfer case.

Why do I have running lights but no brake lights?

The most common reason your brake lights are not working but tail lights do is a bad light bulb. It can also be caused by a blown fuse, bad brake light switch, or issues with the wirings. Your vehicle’s taillights are working fine, but the brake lights don’t come on when you press the brakes.

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