Why does the poet look?

Why does the poet look?

The thought of the ageing mother at sixty-six and her pale and ashen face looking like a corpse becomes too heavy for the poet to bear. She needs a distraction, a diversion and therefore she looks outside. She watches young trees.

Why is the poet feeling sorry childhood?

The poet feels nostalgic towards the childhood. He is upset as he has entered the age of adolescence. The poet is wondering when or how did his childhood go. The poet feels sorry that now he has to behave like adults, take his ow decisions, and be hypocrite like them.

What is the message of the poem The Road Not Taken answer?

Answer: The main theme of “The Road Not Taken” is that life is full of choices which will define our destinies. The speaker spends a while deliberating when he comes to a fork in the road, which symbolizes a choice he must make in his life.

What did the poet see on the way Class 8?

(i) The poet planned to go to Lyonnesse which is hundred miles away. (ii) The poet felt lovely while travelling as no one accompanied him. (iii) The poet observed that trees and their leaves were covered with frost. It was a starlit night.

How does the road not taken make you feel?

The speaker in Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken” seems to simultaneously feel a sense of melancholy as well as a sense of excitement concerning the decision to choose the road that “wanted wear” over the road that showed more obvious signs of use.

What is the moral of the poem the wind?

Answer. The moral lessons that we learn from the poem is that the poem inspires us to face challenges and hardship with courage, firm determination and grit. The poem Wind is a symbol of problems and obstacles which are to be dealt with without fear.

Why does the poet call it a forgotten place?

Why does the poet say that his childhood has gone to some forgotton place? In the final stanza the poet relents the fact that his childhood is no more than a distant memory. He is unable to recollect the innocence of his infancy. Thus, he feels that his childhood has withdrawn into a “forgotten place”.

Which road did the not take?

Answer. The poet decided not to take the first road because the second road attracted the poet more. This road had been less travelled, yet the poet took the risk. The choice of taking the less traveled road made all the difference.

Was the poet happy or sad at the end?

Answer. Answer :- Poet was sad at the end of the poem because poet want to take both the road but at a time one traveller can travel one so, he choesed less traveled road.

What does road signify in the poem?

The Road Not Taken’ by Robert Frost is a poem narrated by a lone traveler confronted with two roads, symbolizing the journey of life and the decisions we make on that journey. The narrator chose the path that was ‘grassy and wanted wear,’ which demonstrates the desire many of us have for individuality and adventure.

What does the poet mean by just as fair?

Answer: The poet chose such a road because grass has grown there and none had travelled so far on it. “Just as fair” means that the other road was as beautiful as the one seen earlier. Wanted wear.

Why was the poet looking at the path Class 9?

The poet decided to take the path that was less travelled by the others because he wanted to do something different in his life.

Who according to the poet get success in life?

According to poet, one has to realize that he/she is alone and learnt to reley on themselves and begin to stand on our own. We should not bother about criticism of others and choose a better path to success. To win, we have to trust ourself which helps us to take the royal road of success.

Why does the poet stand long?

the poet stood for a long time because he thinks about his life as he looks down one path as far as he can see trying to see what life will be like if he walks that path. The poet in the poem ” The road Not Taken ” is thinking about which path he should choose in life .

Why did the poet feel sorry?

The poet is feeling sorry because he could not travel both the roads. The mood of the poet is regretful and thoughtful.

Why does the poet say wanted wear?

Answer. In this phrase ‘ because it was grassy and wanted wear’,poet wants to draw attention of reader to Road 2. He says by looking at the road it seems that less number of people have travelled through it . Road becomes grassy and wanted wear when it is travelled less.In the poem, poet chooses this road.

Why does the poet look down as far as he can see?

Answer: The poet looked down the road as far as he could see because the road he was walking on that morning got diverged into two; he was in doubt as to which road he should continue walking. One of them was quite worn out; the other was grassy. The poet was making up his mind.

Why did the poet not take the first road?


Which road did the poet choose and why?

The poet choose the road that was grassy and less frequented (travelled by fewer people) . He chose the road as he felt the road that ‘wanted wear’ would be more challenging adventurous and thrilling .

When did he lose his childhood?

Answer: When the poet crossed the age of eleven years, he realised that he had lost his childhood and had developed a mind of his own. He also found out the non-existence of Hell and Heaven.

How does many a failure come about?

Life is strange with its twist and turns, As everyone of us sometimes learns, And many a failure comes about, When he might have won had he stuck it out.

Which thing decides a person’s future?

Answer. Answer: one should make their decision swiftly and with confidence. It is normal to wonder what the outcome would have been if the other road, the road not taken, was the road chosen.

Did the poet regret his choice?

Answer. No, the poet did not regret his decision. He was more than happy with his decision. The place had leaves all over it and it looked as if nobody had ever walked on it.

What is the moral of the road not taken?

Moral of the poem ‘The Road Not Taken’ is ‘Take your own decisions without any regrets. ‘ Explanation: The moral lesson that Frost conveys through the poem is that whenever life gives us choices, we must make the decisions wisely.

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