Why is my washing machine not spinning out my clothes?
The most likely culprit for a washer that spins but still turns out soaked clothing is a drain hose problem. It could be clogged, kinked, or even positioned incorrectly if you had to remove the drain tube to make another repair already. If the visual inspection checks out, you will want to remove the washer drain hose.
Why are my clothes still wet after spinning?
Overloading can lead to an imbalance that reduces the washer’s spin speed, leaving clothes too wet after spin cycle completes. If the washer leaves clothes soaked after a large load, remove some items, redistribute others and run another rinse and spin cycle.
Why is my LG washer not spinning?
Your LG washer keeps not spinning or skipping rinse because of a loose or broken drive belt. To fix this, you must have the belt tightened or replaced and reset the washer. The washer may also not spin if its door isn’t shut properly due to an overloaded washer or a broken door latch.
Why is my washing machine not doing a fast spin?
A washing machine that does not spin fast enough will leave your clothes uncleaned and soaking wet. The problem could be loose or broken belts, unbalanced load, lid switch not working or electrical components not working.
Why is my washer full of water and not spinning?
Your washer may have a clogged drain hose or the pump may be broken. A broken lid switch or belt could also be the culprit. It may even be something as simple as the hose being jammed. Whatever the reason, the water will need to be drained from the washing machine before any work or diagnosis can be done.
What causes a front load washer not to spin?
Front-load washer tubs spin thanks to a drive belt that runs off of the motor. A loose, frayed, or torn belt could be why your washer won’t spin. Overloading your washing machine can cause the belt to loosen or become worn out. Inspect the drive belt closely.
How do I force my LG washer to spin?
For LG front load washers, turn the unit on and without touching the selector dial move to the spin speed selection button. Then press the button until you see your desired spin speed highlighted. Then press the Start button. The unit will drain any excess of water before it spins.