What do you mean by impertinence?

What do you mean by impertinence?

impertinent • \im-PER-tuh-nunt\ • adjective. 1 : not pertinent : irrelevant 2 a : not restrained within due or proper bounds especially of propriety or good taste b : given to or characterized by insolent rudeness.

What does the word Actuate?

Definition of actuate 1 : to put into mechanical action or motion The pump is actuated by the windmill. 2 : to move to action a decision actuated by greed.

How do you use impertinence in a sentence?

Impertinence in a Sentence

  1. Nigel’s impertinence always irritated his teacher, who could never get him to respect her no matter what she tried.
  2. I have nothing but impertinence for a leader that hasn’t earned his position, as a mere title proves nothing.

What type of word is impertinence?

unmannerly intrusion or presumption; insolence.

What does the prostate do for a man?

The prostate produces a fluid that mixes with sperm (from the testicles) to make semen. The fluid is kept in a tube-shaped gland that sits behind the bladder. This gland is called the seminal vesicle. During sex, the muscle tissue helps force (ejaculate) prostate fluid and sperm into the urethra.

What is the opposite of Actuate?

actuate. Antonyms: deter, discourage, retard, inhibit, hinder, prevent, impede, dissuade. Synonyms: urge, instigate, stir, induce, influence, incline, dispose, incite, impel, prompt, drive.

What is the meaning of Vacuate?

To empty
Vacuate meaning Filters. To empty, to clear out.

Does pertinent mean rude?

1. Impertinent, impudent, insolent refer to bold, rude, and arrogant behavior.

What is the meaning of lagom?

just the right amount
Lagom (pronounced [ˈlɑ̂ːɡɔm]) is a Swedish and Norwegian word meaning “just the right amount”. The word can be variously translated as “in moderation”, “in balance”, “perfect-simple”, “just enough”, and “suitable” (in matter of amounts).

What is the meaning of the word impertinence?

Definition of impertinence. 1 : the quality or state of being impertinent: such as. a : irrelevance, inappropriateness. b : incivility, insolence.

Does impertinence go down well with the judging panel?

‘Nevertheless, unlike other years, several of the participants seem to have minds and personalities of their own, an impertinence that hasn’t gone down well with the judging panel.’ ‘The impertinence of inviting us to such a mean banquet!’

What is the meaning of impudence in English?

impertinence – the trait of being rude and impertinent; inclined to take liberties. cheekiness, insolence, impudence, crust, freshness, gall. rudeness, discourtesy – a manner that is rude and insulting.

What is the surest way to repel impertinence?

I thought at the moment it was some of his damned impertinence, but concluded that he had something on his mind. A dignified, modest reserve is the surest way to repel impertinence. “I dare say that looked very much like a gratuitous impertinence from—the packer,” he observed.

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