What causes rancidity in fats and oils?

What causes rancidity in fats and oils?

Rancidity is one of the major problems in relation with use of vegetable oils. Time, temperature, light, air, exposed surface, moisture, nitrogenous organic material, and traces of metals are known to be factors responsible for rancidity.

What are the main components of fats and oils?

Triglycerides are the predominant component of most food fats and oils. The minor components include mono- and diglycerides, free fatty acids, phosphatides, sterols, fatty alcohols, fat-soluble vitamins, and other substances. A triglyceride is composed of glycerol and three fatty acids.

What are the 3 types of rancidity?

Rancidity is divided into three types:

  • Hydrolytic Rancidity.
  • Oxidative Rancidity.
  • Microbial Rancidity.

What are the types of rancidity in fat?

There are two basic types or causes of rancidity that cause and/or contribute to the degradation of stored edible oils: oxidative and hydrolytic. Oxidative rancidity, known as autoxidation, occurs when oxygen is absorbed from the environment.

What is the main feature of Rancidification?

Rancidification is the process of complete or incomplete oxidation or hydrolysis of fats and oils when exposed to air, light, or moisture or by bacterial action, resulting in unpleasant taste and odor.

How can Rancidification be prevented?

Rancidity can be prevented using the following methods:

  1. Adding antioxidants (substances which prevent oxidation) to food.
  2. Storing food in airtight containers to slow the process of rancidification.
  3. Refrigerating food also helps to slow down rancidification.
  4. Replacing oxygen in the containers with another gas.

What is the main difference between fats and oils?

The main difference between fats and oils is that fats are composed of high amounts of saturated fatty acids which will take a solid form at room temperature whereas oils are composed of mainly unsaturated fatty acids which will take a liquid form at room temperature.

What are the sources of fats and oil?


  • Animal fats.
  • Butterfat: This is usually obtained from cow’s milk.
  • Lard: Lard is a fat rendered from the fatty tissues of pig.
  • Tallow: Edible tallow is obtained primarily from beef cattle.
  • Fish oils.
  • Cod liver oil: This is derived from liver of cod fish.
  • Vegetable oils.

What is rancidity of oil and fat explain with an example?

rancidity, condition produced by aerial oxidation of unsaturated fat present in foods and other products, marked by unpleasant odour or flavour. Butter becomes rancid by the foregoing process and by hydrolysis, which liberates volatile and malodorous acids, particularly butyric acid.

What is oxidative rancidity of fats?

Oxidative rancidity is a reaction of fatty acids with oxygen. More specifically it is the reaction of double bonds in unsaturated fatty acids with oxygen. Upon reacting with oxygen very reactive components (among others hydroperoxides) will be formed.

When fats and oils are they become rancid and their smell and taste changes?

The loss of electrons by a molecule, atom or iron during a reaction is known as oxidation. When the food containing fats and oils oxidized they start to produce an unpleasant smell which is known as rancidity.

What happens when oil goes rancid?

Over time oils do spoil – they go rancid. Rancid oil may also lose some of its healthy properties, like the antioxidants found in olive oil. Oils go rancid through a chemical reaction that causes the fat molecules in the oil to break down. The whole process is sped up by exposure to air, light and heat.

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