Why is it important to revise and edit your composition?

Why is it important to revise and edit your composition?

Revising and editing allow you to examine two important aspects of your writing separately, so that you can give each task your undivided attention. You improve your writing style. You make your essay into a polished, mature piece of writing, the end product of your best efforts.

What is the point of revision?

Revision literally means to “see again,” to look at something from a fresh, critical perspective. It is an ongoing process of rethinking the paper: reconsidering your arguments, reviewing your evidence, refining your purpose, reorganizing your presentation, reviving stale prose.

What would be the best definition of revision?

1a : an act of revising. b : a result of revising : alteration. 2 : a revised version.

How do you revise and edit an essay?

Editing: Reading as an EditorRead your writing aloud to catch run-on sentences, over-used words, spelling errors, and typos.Read backwards. Start with the last sentence of your piece and read one sentence at a time from the end to the beginning. Share your writing with a family member or friend.

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