What is a preserve noun?
preserve. noun. Definition of preserve (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : fruit canned or made into jams or jellies or cooked whole or in large pieces in a syrup so as to keep its shape —often used in plural.
What is a packed noun?
[uncountable] the act of putting your possessions, clothes, etc. into bags or boxes in order to take or send them somewhere.
What is a revolution simple definition?
2a : a sudden, radical, or complete change. b : a fundamental change in political organization especially : the overthrow or renunciation of one government or ruler and the substitution of another by the governed.
What is the sentence of Preserve?
1. He was anxious to preserve his reputation. 2. Efforts to preserve the peace have failed.
What is the meaning of preserve life?
1 to keep safe from danger or harm; protect. 2 to protect from decay or dissolution; maintain.
What is the meaning of pack type?
UOM Pack Type Basically, UOM defines how you can buy, count, and sell a specific item. It can be Each, Piece, Pack, Box, etc.
What is a revolution in geography?
Revolution is the movement of the Earth around the Sun. The Earth takes 24 hours to complete a rotation with respect to the sun. The Earth takes a full year (365 days) for one complete revolution around the Sun. The Earth’s axis of rotation is tilted by 23.5 degrees.
What is revolution answer?
The definition of a revolution is the movement of one object around a center or another object, a forceful overthrow of a government by the people or any sudden or grand change. An example of revolution is movement of the earth around the sun.
What is an example of preserving?
Preservation is the act of maintaining, protecting or keeping something in existence. An example of preservation is a land trust protecting a forest. An example of preservation is a jar of canned tomatoes. The act of preserving; care to preserve; act of keeping from destruction, decay or any ill.
What is to preserve life?
What is preservation prefix?
To preserve means to ensure that something is kept and not tampered with. Unlike the reservative prefix which forms the opposite of a word, the preservative prefix keeps the original or root word and still preserves the meaning. The prefix re is usually used.