What is high yield variety seeds?

What is high yield variety seeds?

Hint: High yielding varieties of seeds are those seeds that produce huge quantities of crops particularly wheat and rice. The regular supply of water, maximum use of fertilizers, and the use of pesticides in an accurate proportion are needed to use these seeds.

How are varieties named?

A variety must be given a name that is unique to the kind of seed to which the variety belongs. For instance, there can only be one variety of wheat named “Prairie Road.” Varieties of two or more different, kinds of seed may have the same name if the kinds are not closely related.

What does HYV seeds stand for?

High Yield Variety
High Yield Variety (HYV) seeds were developed by scientists to improve food supplies and reduce famine in developing countries. These HYV or ‘miracle’ seeds can produce up to ten times more crops than regular seeds on the same area of land.

What was the name given to HYV seeds?

HYV is the abbreviation of High yielding variety. High yielding variety seeds were developed to improve the food supplies. It is called “miracle seeds” that can produce large amounts of crops with respect to normal quality seeds.

What is a high yield crop?

High-yield crops are those that produce the most food per square foot of garden. There are plenty of great books on growing more food with less space, including the recently released book, High-Yield Vegetable Gardening by Colin McCrate and Brad Halm.

What is variety name?

In botanical nomenclature, variety (abbreviated var.; in Latin: varietas) is a taxonomic rank below that of species and subspecies, but above that of form. As such, it gets a three-part infraspecific name.

Why is it important to name varieties?

Understanding variety naming by farmers is important for better understanding crop genetic diversity in farmer fields and its management by farmers. As a result, variety names give information on the period of time a variety is used in a village, and on the flow of varieties between and within villages.

What does HYV 9 mean?

High Yielding Variety
HYV stands for High Yielding Variety.

Why is HYV Class 9?

Commercial farming uses more modern inputs such as the High Yielding Variety (HYV) seeds. These are used to increase productivity.

Who introduced high yielding varieties of seed in India?

The man who was solely responsible for introducing these HYV seeds was MS Swaminathan, an internationally renowned The man who was solely responsible for introducing these HYV seeds was MS Swaminathan, an internationally renowned geneticist and government administrator who was the most influential force of the green …

What are high yielding variety seeds?

High Yielding Variety Seeds (HYV seeds) are seeds are of better quality than normal quality seeds. These seeds are a better option of seeds in order to obtain a healthy and surplus crop.

What is the meaning of high-yieldince varietie?

High-yielding varieties are frequently also high-maintenance varieties. Two high yielding varieties (Alameya 70 and Awas 1050) suitable for high and medium altitudes were released. The high-yielding varieties developed by the formal research system are often high-maintenance varieties.

What is the dictionary definition of high-yield?

Define high-yield. high-yield synonyms, high-yield pronunciation, high-yield translation, English dictionary definition of high-yield. Adj. 1. high-yield – yielding a large amount of agricultural or industrial production fruitful – productive or conducive to producing in abundance; “be…

What is the difference between high yield and fruitful?

high-yield – yielding a large amount of agricultural or industrial production. fruitful – productive or conducive to producing in abundance; “be fruitful and multiply”.

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