What is BMW M3 SMG transmission?

What is BMW M3 SMG transmission?

SMG stands for Sequential Manual Gearbox. It’s actually the same manual gearbox that is found in the cars with a clutch pedal, but instead of having the clutch foot operated, it has the clutch electro-hydaulically operated via a pump and wired to computers.

Is BMW SMG transmission manual?

First, note that the SMG system is not an automatic transmission than can be shifted manually – like BMW’s Steptronic or Porsche’s Tiptronic – it is a manual transmission with a clutch, but without a clutch pedal, that can change gears by itself in response to driver input.

Can you change SMG to manual?

The SMG to manual conversion process. Since the SMG transmission and the 6 speed transmission are internally identical all that is required to physically do this swap is to modify the bellhousing on the SMG transmission. Machining the bell housing accurately is critical so that the driver can easily find the gears.

Is SMG dual clutch?

BMW Shifts Gears: SMG out, new seven-speed, double clutch gearbox in. Key to the DCG’s operation are its two oil-cooled wet clutches, one for the even gears and one for the odd gears and reverse.

Did the E46 M3 come in manual?

When the E46 BMW M3 CSL was new, it was only available with a six-speed SMG automated manual gearbox. While it was faster than a proper manual, the SMG gearbox was clunky and frustrating to use on a regular basis. Enthusiasts begged BMW for a manual version but to no avail.

How do I reset my SMG?

Registered. Drive to approx 30/40mph, stick her into neutral when the screen shows gear ‘0’ hold both paddles together for 3-5 secs. Stick her back in to gear and your SMG will be reset.

Are there any problems with the E46 M3?

The E46 M3 had a couple major issues, one of the lesser ones is the SMG gearbox. The hydraulic pump often fails resulting in a costly repair. If this happens to a car you own it often make sense to convert the car to a manual rather than fix the SMG unit.

How do you turn an E46 M3 into a manual transmission?

In order for cruise control, PDC, and the reverse light to function the car must be wired and re-coded as a manual car. The SMG computer is removed and all SMG components are unplugged. The clutch switch and brake switch must be installed and wired appropriately to retain the function of a true manual transmission E46 M3.

Should I convert my m3 to a manual or SMG?

If this happens to a car you own it often make sense to convert the car to a manual rather than fix the SMG unit. Manual E46 M3’s tend to be more desirable and cost quite a bit more than manual M3’s so often times owners can buy an E46 M3 SMG and have it converted to manual for about the same price as buying a true manual.

How do you convert a SMG to manual transmission?

The SMG to manual conversion process. Since the SMG transmission and the 6 speed transmission are internally identical all that is required to physically do this swap is to modify the bellhousing on the SMG transmission. This modification adds in the shift detents so the driver can feel where the gears are.

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