What is the retail price of natural gas?
AVERAGE PRICE OF NATURAL GAS (per 1,000 cubic feet)
Rank by industrial price | State | Average Industrial Price |
18 | California | $7.60 |
19 | North Carolina | $7.56 |
20 | Georgia | $7.53 |
21 | New Mexico | $7.41 |
What are the markets for natural gas?
There are two distinct markets for natural gas: the spot market, and the futures market. Essentially, the spot market is the daily market, where natural gas is bought and sold ‘right now’. To get the price of natural gas on a specific day, it is the spot market price that is most informative.
What are retail energy markets?
Retail energy markets allow consumers to choose among competitive suppliers and determine for themselves what energy supplier best serves their home or business. Competitive markets provide energy consumers with many options in terms of energy management, efficiency, renewable “green” energy, and price.
What is the cost of 100 natural gas?
The cost of natural gas per therm can vary depending on location and other factors. The average natural gas cost per therm is $0.95 or $9.52 per thousand cubic feet. One therm is equal to 100 cubic feet of natural gas. Most households use natural gas for heating the home, heating water, and appliances.
What is the cost of 1 CCF of natural gas?
The average cost of natural gas per therm varies considerably by season and location. In January 2020, the national average price was $9.52 per thousand cubic feet. That’s $0.95 per Ccf. And at the 2019 national average heat content of 1,037 Btu per cubic foot, it’s a natural gas therm price of $0.92.
How is natural gas sold to consumers?
How is natural gas purchased by suppliers? Natural gas, much like electricity and other commodities, is able to be bought, sold and traded on the open market. In deregulated states, energy suppliers closely monitor energy prices and purchase natural gas for customers based on current market prices.
Is the natural gas market competitive?
Again, U.S. natural gas is not a broken market, but rather has become the single largest and most competitive natural gas market in the world – and one that is performing at epic levels that are to the greater benefit of consumers here at home and abroad.
What are retail electricity sales?
Electricity retailing is the final sale of electricity from generation to the end-use consumer. This is the fourth major step in the electricity delivery process, which also includes generation, transmission and distribution.