What is API 20 E test?
API (Analytical Profile Index) 20E is a biochemical panel for identification and differentiation of members of the family Enterobacteriaceae. It is hence a well-established method for manual microorganism identification to the species level.
Which color indicates a positive TDA test with the API 20E bacterial kit?
3.1. TDA test: Add 1 drop of 10% ferric chloride to the TDA tube. A reddish brown color indicates a positive reaction. A negative reaction is yellow.
What is API biochemical test?
The analytical profile index or API is a classification of bacteria based on biochemical tests, allowing fast identification. This system is developed for quick identification of clinically relevant bacteria. A bacterial suspension is used to rehydrate each of the wells and the strips are incubated.
WHat is API identification?
The analytical profile index or API is a classification of bacteria based on biochemical tests, allowing fast identification. This system is developed for quick identification of clinically relevant bacteria. Because of this, only known bacteria can be identified.
Is E coli oxidase positive?
E. coli bacteria are among the few species of lactose (LAC)-positive, oxidase-negative, gram-negative rods that are indole positive.
What is the purpose of API 20E?
This API-20E test strip (from bioMerieux, Inc.) is used to identify the enteric gram negative rods (although API makes a variety of other test strips for yeast, Staph, anaerobes, etc.) 20 separate test compartments are on the strip, all dehydrated. A bacterial suspension is used to rehydrate each of the wells.
What is API strips in bacterial identification?
API test strips consists of wells containing dehydrated substrates to detect enzymatic activity, usually related to fermentation of carbohydrate or catabolism of proteins or amino acids by the inoculated organisms. A bacterial suspension is used to rehydrate each of the wells and the strips are incubated.
What does E stand for API 20E?
Identification system for Enterobacteriaceae and other non-fastidious Gram-negative rods. SUMMARY AND EXPLANATION. API 20 E is a standardized identification system for Enterobacteriaceae and other non-fastidious, Gram- negative rods which uses 21 miniaturized biochemical tests and a database.
What is in an API 20 E strip?
The API 20 E strip consists of 20 microtubes containing dehydrated substrates. These tests are inoculated with a bacterial suspension that reconstitutes the media. During incubation, metabolism produces color changes that are either spontaneous or revealed by the addition of reagents.
What is an API 20E test?
API (Analytical Profile Index) 20E Test – Procedure, Uses and Interpretation. API identification products are test kits for identification of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria and yeast. API strips give accurate identifications based on extensive databases and are standardized, easy-to-use test systems.
How do I make an api20e biochemical test strip?
Pick up a single isolated colony (from a pure culture) and make a suspension of it in sterile distilled water. Take the API20E Biochemical Test Strip which contains dehydrated bacterial media/bio-chemical reagents in 20 separate… Take a pasteur pipette and fill up (up to the brim) these
What are API identification products?
API identification products are test kits for identification of Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria and yeast. API strips give accurate identifications based on extensive databases and are standardized, easy-to-use test systems.