Is sniper a good class swtor?

Is sniper a good class swtor?

It’s an enjoyable class and fun once you get decent on it. But it really does have a high ceiling of skill to achieve. Average snipers can do nice damage when ignored and allowed to freely dps, but great snipers are capable of knowing when to use their DCDs and knowing when to move or stay in cover.

What is the best Imperial Agent class?

Imperial Agent – Lethality Operative/Smuggler – Ruffian Scoundrel – 99.87. Bounty Hunter – Pyrotech Powertech/Trooper – Plasmatech Vanguard – 99.75. Sith Warrior – Annihilation Marauder/Jedi Knight – Watchman Sentinel – 98.77.

What is the best sniper discipline Swtor?

For PvP Marksman is the way to go. The other specs will put out more damage, but Burst is king in PvP, so Marksman is superior for burst. For PvE, both Engineering, and Virulence are good. Virulence is better for fights when the boss is moving more, Enginerring is better for fights where boss isn’t being move all over.

Can snipers stealth Swtor?

Snipers are the guys who lie in wait, sometimes up to several days, to take out a single target from 1-2 miles away. We are marksman, frontline precision riflemen. They don’t use stealth, they just use a rifle with a scope on it.

What class is a sniper?

The Sniper is one of the of two advanced class of the Imperial Agent; the other is the Operative….Sniper (advanced class)

Advanced Class
Starter classes Imperial Agent
Playable species Humans Cyborgs Chiss Rattataki Zabraks
Role(s) Ranged DPS
Armor(s) Medium armor

Can you change hairstyle Swtor?

Yes, you can. There is an appearance designer which allows you to change everything about your character, with the exception of the gender. It can be found on the Imperial/Republic fleet in the Cartel Bazaar. You can also buy it for your stronghold off the Cartel Market or the GTN (if someone is selling it).

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