Where do trains from Thirsk go to?
Services. There is generally an hourly service northbound to Redcar Central via Middlesbrough and southbound to York, Leeds, Huddersfield and Manchester Airport.
What time is the last train from York to Thirsk?
York to Thirsk by train
Journey time | From 15m |
Last train | 23:24 |
Departure station | York |
Arrival station | Thirsk |
Changes | Direct trains available |
What time does Braintree station open?
Ticket office opening times | Monday to Friday: 05:45 to 15:00 Saturday: 05:45 to 13:05 Sunday: 07:45 to 15:30 |
Use Oyster cards here | No |
Smartcards issued here | Yes |
Top up Smartcards here | Yes |
Validate Smartcards here | Yes |
How late do MBTA trains run?
Most trains run between about 5 AM and 1 AM, and some lines have service as late at 1:50 AM. Service runs more frequently during rush hour, between 6:30 AM – 9 AM and 3:30 PM – 6:30 PM on weekdays. Where can I find subway schedules?
How many stations does Greater Anglia Serve?
Greater Anglia (train operating company)
Overview | |
Stations called at | 149 |
Stations operated | 133 |
Parent company | Abellio (60%) Mitsui & Co. (40%) |
Reporting mark | LE |
Is the T free for military?
The T-Mobile website states the military discount is available to all active duty service members, veterans, retired military personnel, members of the Army Reserve or National Guard, and Gold Star families. The discount also will be available to veteran-owned businesses.
Does MBTA take cash?
You can pay your fare in cash onboard all MBTA buses. You can also add up to $20 in cash value to a CharlieCard or CharlieTicket at onboard fare boxes.