What is the weather like in Cuba in July?

What is the weather like in Cuba in July?

July Weather in Havana Cuba. Daily high temperatures are around 88°F, rarely falling below 86°F or exceeding 91°F. Daily low temperatures are around 75°F, rarely falling below 72°F or exceeding 78°F.

What is the warmest month in Cuba?

The hottest months are July and August. The daytime temperature rarely exceeds 33/34 °C (91/93 °F), but moisture makes the heat sweltering. The rains are often intense, but they occur mostly in the form of showers or thunderstorms in late afternoon.

What month does it rain the most in Cuba?

The month with the most days of rain alone in Havana is September, with an average of 10.5 days. Based on this categorization, the most common form of precipitation throughout the year is rain alone, with a peak probability of 36% on September 17.

What is the hottest it gets in Cuba?

HAVANA, July 1 (Xinhua) — Hot summer temperatures in Cuba broke all-time records on Sunday, reaching 39.1 degrees Celsius in the town of Veguitas in the eastern province of Granma, the Cuban Meteorology Institute said Monday.

Should I visit Cuba in July?

July is one of the hottest and humid months of the year, although the chance of rain diminishes. It’s also one of the liveliest, with Cuba biggest carnival—in Santiago de Cuba—and its most important revolutionary celebrations, making this a great month to experience quintessential Cuban culture.

Is Cuba cold in July?

As a rough idea, the temperature in Havana in July will range from a high of approximately 31°C (88°F) down to an overnight low of around 23°C (74°F) with an average daily temperature of approximately 27°C (81°F). One July in Havana it got as warm as 37°C (98°F) but such a hot day is a rarity.

Does it rain in Cuba in July?

Cuba weather July Located in the northern Caribbean Sea, Cuba has a warm tropical climate that’ll give you lots of sun in July. Cuba has two distinct seasons. The rainy season runs from May to October, so July’s one of the wettest months of the year.

How much rain does Cuba get in July?

Throughout July, 105.6mm (4.16″) of precipitation is accumulated. In Havana, during the entire year, the rain falls for 80 days and collects up to 1189.2mm (46.82″) of precipitation.

What is summer like in Cuba?

The summer in Cuba is from June to August. These are the hottest months and some people (including the Cubans!) find the heat quite intense. Temperatures rise to 100 degrees F on the Eastern side of the island, which when coupled with high humidity, can be quite unpleasant.

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