Can Pakeha get moko?

Can Pakeha get moko?

“My ancestors and our tipuna set the precedent way back in the 1800s when they gifted many Pākeha men moko kanohi.” A leading moko artist, Mark Kopua, said Māori taonga was often exploited and this was no exception. But he said given certain circumstances he would not deny a Pākehā woman from receiving a moko kauae.

Why did Rihanna cover her Māori tattoo?

The design was based on hope, dreams and aspirations, and has Polynesian stars on her fingers symbolising navigation. McCurdy said it was a challenge to blend the two designs. “She had something pre-existing on her hand, so it was a little bit of a cover-up, but also making it look good, wanted to make sure it flowed.”

Can any Māori woman get a moko?

Moko kauae is the right of Māori women. It is not a right for anyone else. Moko kauae is the reassertion of an indigenous right that has been marginalised, demeaned and denied by Pākehā colonial dominance.

What Whakapapa means?

Whakapapa is a taxonomic framework that links all animate and inanimate, known and unknown phenomena in the terrestrial and spiritual worlds. Whakapapa means genealogy. Other Māori terms for genealogy are kāwai and tātai. Kauwhau and taki refer to the process of tracing genealogies.

Who did Rihanna Maori tattoo?

Inia Taylor
Rihanna says her new tattoo is a reminder of things in the past. The singer got her hand inked in New Zealand on Wednesday with a traditional Maori tribal tattoo designed by Inia Taylor. The ceremonial artwork is considered a rite of passage and was tattooed on her with a chisel, mallet and ink.

What do rihannas tattoos say?

In December 2009, Rihanna got her personal motto “Never a failure, Always a lesson” tattooed along the right side of her chest. It’s written backwards so she can read it in the mirror. Artist Bang Bang said: “I asked her why she wanted that and she said, ‘It’s kind of my motto in life for everything.

Who is allowed to wear a moko?

In less than one generation that thinking has been largely discarded, as part of a deliberate “decolonising” of those perceived barriers – and as a result the practice of moko kauae is widespread, with a general consensus that the only eligibility criterion is whakapapa – if you are a Māori woman, you have the right to …

Who can get moko?

Ta Moko is primarily for those of Maori blood and descent, while Kirituhi is for those of non Maori heritage. Ta Moko and Kirituhi tell a story, the story of the person wearing the tattoo.

What is Pepeha in Māori?

A pepeha is a way of introducing yourself in Māori. It tells people who you are by sharing your connections with the people and places that are important to you.

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