Can you just turn up at Moorfields Eye Hospital?

Can you just turn up at Moorfields Eye Hospital?

Moorfields A&E department is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We are based in Moorfields Eye Hospital, City Road 162 City Road, London, EC1V 2PD. Please note that we are not a general A&E and can only help with urgent, sight-threatening eye conditions.

How do I get referred to Moorfields Eye Hospital?

To make a referral please call +44 (0) 20 7521 4664 or email [email protected], and we will arrange for your patients to be seen by the right eye specialist consultant for their condition.

Is there parking at Moorfields Eye Hospital?

Moorfields Eye Hospital is on the A501, and is approximately 6.5 miles from junction one on the M1. Parking around the hospital is very limited, although there is some meter parking and some privately-operated car parks.

What type of hospital is Moorfields London?

Moorfields Eye Hospital is a specialist NHS eye hospital in Finsbury in the London Borough of Islington in London, England run by Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

Can I go to the emergency room for eye problems?

We recommend seeking immediate medical attention anytime you experience swelling, redness, or pain in your eye, especially if it occurs after an injury or having a foreign object or chemical in your eye. When left untreated, these injuries can damage your eye even more, leading to partial and/or permanent blindness.

Why would my optician referred me to hospital?

When you visit an optician for an eye test, you’ll be examined by an ophthalmic practitioner or optometrist who is trained to recognise abnormalities and conditions, such as cataracts or glaucoma. If necessary, they’ll refer you to a GP or a hospital eye clinic for further investigations.

What are referrals NHS?

The NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS) provides an easy way for patients to choose their first hospital or clinic appointment with a specialist. Bookings can be made online, using the telephone, or directly in the GP surgery at the time of referral.

Can you walk into Moorfields?

Attend Anywhere is not an examination. It’s a chance for you to speak to a Moorfields clinician to discuss whether you need to attend eye casualty. Please inform the doctor if you are unwell, or have had any contact with anyone with Corona-virus, and this will help them direct you to the safest service.

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