Can Zed beat Ahri?

Can Zed beat Ahri?

Zed has done a ok job of beating Ahri. Typically, he wins a acceptable 49.9% of the time the champions battle one another in. In Zed vs Ahri rounds, Zed’s team is 0.0% more expected to get first blood. This implies that he most likely will get first blood versus Ahri.

How do you build against Zed Ahri?

Best Ahri Runes to Counter Zed To have the greatest probability of beating Zed as Ahri, you should use the Electrocute, Sudden Impact, Eyeball Collection, Ultimate Hunter, Manaflow Band, and Transcendence runes from the Domination and Sorcery rune sets.

Who is the counter of Ahri?

5 champions that counter Ahri are Fizz, Yasuo, Annie, Anivia, and Zoe. You can find all the matchup tips we use in this guide on the Mobalytics App.

Does Akali counter Zed?

Akali Middle vs Zed Middle Build & Runes Akali wins against Zed 47.80% of the time which is 1.15% lower against Zed than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Akali wins against Zed 0.26% less often than would be expected.

Does Diana counter Zed?

Diana fights Zed in only 4.9% of her matches. Diana has done a ok job of beating Zed. On average, she wins a acceptable 50.3% of games the champions battle one another in. In Diana versus Zed rounds, Diana’s team is 0.0% more expected to earn first blood.

Who counters ahri s11?

Champions like Talon and Diana with the ability to gap close and deal burst damage to Ahri before she can utilize her passive to gain movement speed are able to counter Ahri.

Does Akali counter ahri?

This particular pairing is fairly rare. Akali has to counter Ahri in only 3.4% of her matches. Unfortunately, Akali does a poor job of countering Ahri. In Akali against Ahri games, Akali’s team is 0.1% less expected to obtain first blood, indicating that she most likely won’t be able to get first blood versus Ahri.

Is Zed better than Akali?

Zed wins against Akali 51.90% of the time which is 1.02% higher against Akali than the average opponent. After normalising both champions win rates Zed wins against Akali 0.03% less often than would be expected.

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