How big do electric blue rams get? Origin: Tank-bred, but indigenous to South America. Average adult size: 1.4 – 1.6 inches. Average purchase size: 1 – 1.2 inches (2.5 – 3 cm) How long does it take for Bolivian Ram eggs to hatch? The eggs will usually hatch after two to three days, and once […]
How is beauty perceived in different cultures?
How is beauty perceived in different cultures? Beauty remains an elusive notion across different cultures. Beauty is often sought after, revered, and sometimes interpreted as a personal virtue. Standards of beauty are usually social markers determining cultural status, social acceptance and suitability as a mate. Do different cultures have different beauty standards? As different cultures […]
How do you practice past tense in French?
How do you find the work done by the resultant force?
Who Colonised Sudan?
Who Colonised Sudan? In the 1890s, British forces invaded the Mahdi’s Sudan, bringing it under their control, imposing their policies, and filling the top administrative posts with British officials. After World War I, the Sudanese nationalism movement gained steam. What is the old name for Sudan? Nubia Nubia: from 3000 BC The region known in […]
How can I get a prescription online for my dog?
How can I get a prescription online for my dog? If you visit an in-person vet, you can often ask them to send a prescription to an online pet pharmacy such as or 1-800-Pet-Meds to have it filled and delivered to your door. This can sometimes be cheaper than buying directly through your local […]
Is The Room a real movie?
Is The Room a real movie? Room was “triggered” by a real life story When the novel, “Room,” was published, Emma Donoghue gave an interview to The Guardian, in which she revealed that her story was inspired by the dark true story of Elisabeth Fritzl, a woman who was held captive by her father, Josef […]
How do I get from Lagos to Albufeira?
What is icosahedral capsid?
What is icosahedral capsid? Most viruses have icosahedral or helical capsid structure, although a few have complex virion architecture. An icosahedron is a geometric shape with 20 sides, each composed of an equilateral triangle, and icosahedral viruses increase the number of structural units in each face to expand capsid size. What are the 3 capsid […]
What were Aurignacian tools used for?
What were Aurignacian tools used for? Aurignacian Culture bone tools (needle, points and tools for punching holes), Hayonim Cave, 30000 BP. What were Aurignacian tools made of? The Aurignacian differs from other Upper Paleolithic industries mainly in a preponderance of stone flake tools rather than blades. Flakes were retouched to make nosed scrapers, carinate (ridged) […]