Do you have to wash your feet during wudu if you have socks on?

Do you have to wash your feet during wudu if you have socks on?

For example, it is permissible to wipe the feet over the socks as the final act when doing wudhu, instead of washing them fully. While washing is the most preferred and authentic act, it’s not always possible to do so. You can also use a material that has the qualities of leather but isn’t leather or thin cotton socks.

Is it permissible to pray with socks?

It is recommended for women to cover the feet while praying. There is no requirement in the majority of the branches of Islam for actually wearing socks. If the feet are adequately covered, then it is fine.

Can you make Wudu with shoes on?

The Prophet (peace be upon him) would have his Khuff (leather socks) on and do wudu over them. In Arabic the word Khuff refers to any sort of footwear that covers up till the ankle. So leather socks, shoes, trainers are all acceptable as footwear you can wipe over in wudu.

Can you read Salah with shoes on?

Yes, Muslims can pray Salah (the five daily prayers) with their shoes on. It is permissible to pray with shoes on as long as the shoes are clean and do not have any filthy impurity on them. The evidence for wearing shoes in prayer is found in the hadith of our Prophet (peace be upon him).

Is it haram to pray with shoes?

Can we pray in torn clothes?

In short you must make sure you have covered your aurath or private parts. However, even though by wearing a pant which torn below the knee would not effect the acceptability of your prayer, it’s not good to stand in front of your creator in such an attire.

Can you pray with a hoodie instead of hijab?

Answer: It is permissible to pray in a hooded sweatshirt (also known as a hoodie), so long as it covers the necessary parts of the body, is not form-fitting, and does not make the shape of the body apparent.

Should I wipe over my socks during Wuḍū’?

[1] Wiping over the socks is a substitute for washing one’s feet and must be done correctly, otherwise it would amount to not washing one’s feet properly during wuḍū’.

What is an example of Wudu’?

For example, A man performs wudu’ by washing his feet, and thereafter puts on his socks and prays fajr. His wudu’ was invalidated around 10am, and then he performed wudu’ around 11am to observe the mid-day optional prayer ( Salatudh-duha ), wiping his socks in the process.

What are some common mistakes people make when washing their socks?

Some of the most common mistakes are to wipe the bottom of the sock instead of the upper surface, to wet the hands and just tap the socks with a few fingers, to wipe over socks or shoes which do not cover the ankle, to wipe over shoes and then remove them for prayer and to wear the socks without having performed wuḍū’ prior to that.

Is it permissible to wipe over the slippers or socks?

That the khufoof (leather slippers which cover the ankle) or socks should be taahir (pure). If they are naajis (impure) then it is not permissible to wipe over them.

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