Does Yoast SEO have Google Analytics?

Does Yoast SEO have Google Analytics?

At Yoast, we’re known for giving you numerous tips to improve your site’s SEO. There’s this great free tool that gives a lot of insight into how your website’s traffic is doing: Google Analytics! …

How do I add Google Analytics to a WordPress script?

Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to Appearance » Theme Editor. Now click the Theme Header (header. php) file on the right-hand side below the Theme Files section. Paste the tracking code you just copied from your Analytics profile before the closing tag.

Where do I put the Google Analytics code?

According to Google: “The code should be added near the top of the tag and before any other script or CSS tags, and the string ‘UA-XXXXX-Y’ should be replaced with the property ID (also called the “tracking ID”) of the Google Analytics property you wish to track.”

How does WordPress track SEO?

WordPress SEO Tips: Optimizing Pages & Posts

  1. Carry Out Keyword Research.
  2. Install the SEO Writing Assistant by SEMrush Plugin & Create Great Content.
  3. Set Custom URLs for Pages & Posts.
  4. Use Optimized Page Headings.
  5. Craft Unique Optimized Title Tags & Meta Descriptions.
  6. Use Internal Linking.
  7. Use Optimized File Names for Images.

Do I need to put Google Analytics code on every page?

You do need to put Google Analytics on every page that you are interested in tracking. Depending on what website builder you are using, it is done automatically for you.

How do I get Google Analytics code for my website?

Get started with Analytics

  1. Create or sign in to your Analytics account: Go to
  2. Set up a property in your Analytics account.
  3. Set up a reporting view in your property.
  4. Follow the instructions to add the tracking code to your websiteso you can collect data in your Analytics property.

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