How can I add a logo to a title in LaTeX?

How can I add a logo to a title in LaTeX?

Including images in your LaTeX document requires adding: sepackage{graphicx} to the beginning/preamble of your document. \includegraphics{ } command tells LaTeX to insert the image. To upload an image, click the upload button, and upload your image file.

How do I add a logo to my title page?

5 Answers

  1. Save generated ico file in your web site root directory /images (yourwebsite/images) under the name favicon. ico.
  2. Copy this tag <link rel=”shortcut icon” href=”images/favicon. </li>
  3. Save changes in your html file and reload your browser.

How do I add my logo to overleaf?

In the top left corner of the editor click on the upload icon, then you can either drag and drop the files or click Select files(s) to browse in your local directories. After the uploading process is complete, you can use these images in your document.

Where do you put a logo on a cover page?

Company Logo It should be placed at the top of your business plan cover page. Placing the logo on the business plan cover page sets a strong brand association that focuses a reader’s attention throughout the document.

How do I add a caption to a photo in LaTeX?

It’s really easy, just add the \caption{Some caption} and inside the braces write the text to be shown. The placement of the caption depends on where you place the command; if it’s above the \includegraphics then the caption will be on top of it, if it’s below then the caption will also be set below the figure.

How do you caption in LaTeX?

It is always good practice to add a caption to any figure or table. Fortunately, this is very simple in LaTeX. All you need to do is use the \caption{”text”} command within the float environment.

How do you make a title in overleaf?

You can define a title for your document using \title{} and then create the title itself using \maketitle . You can also add other information such as the author(s) and the date, e.g. Note the use of \today to automatically insert the date you created the document. Of course you can just write a date if you prefer!

What side should a logo be on?

When users scan sites, their visual gaze leans toward the left. A logo placed on the right will get fewer visual gazes, which results in weaker brand recall. Placing your logo on the left gives it more visual gazes, which allows more users to remember your brand.

Where do logos go on designs?

The two most common areas to put a logo are the header (usually in the top left) and the favicon, the small icon next to your address bar or the title on your browser tab. For the header, ensure your logo is legible on different screen sizes so it makes an impact as soon as someone lands on your page.

How do you put a caption under a picture in LaTeX?

Caption. It is usually beneficial to include caption to your images. To do so, simply use the command \caption{‘text’} either below or above your figure (usually below for images and above for tables).

How do you label figures in overleaf?

Referencing Figures

  1. \label{marker} The marker can be seen as a name that we give to the object that we want to reference.
  2. \ref{marker}
  3. \pageref{marker}
  4. \begin{figure}[h!] \includegraphics[scale=1.7]{birds.jpg} \caption{The birds} \label{fig:birds} \end{figure}

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