How can I get CBSE 12th Marksheet?

How can I get CBSE 12th Marksheet?

How To Download CBSE 12th Marksheet Through DigiLocker?

  1. Install Digilocker App from Play Store/App Store.
  2. Sign in to the DigiLocker App.
  3. Select the CBSE to access the results or marksheet.
  4. Go to the CBSE 12th Marksheet download option.
  5. Enter the details such as Academic Year and Roll Number.
  6. Click on the ‘Get Document.

When was 12th CBSE Result Declared 2016?

May 21
The CBSE board conducted the class 12 examinations on March and April months this year. The results are being declared one week late than last year, the board declared CBSE Class 12 results on May 21 in 2016.

When was CBSE Result Declared 2016?

28 May 2016
CBSE Board 10th Result 2016 Expected Result Dates

Examination Name Exam Dates Expected Result Date
CBSE Board 10th Class Result 2016 1st March 2016 to 28th March 2016 28 May 2016

How is CBSE 12th percentage calculated?

How to calculate percentage from CGPA in 12th boards?

  1. CGPA means the sum of grade points obtained in at least 5 main subjects divided by 5.
  2. To calculate the percentage, use the formula mentioned below.
  3. CGPA X 9.5= Percentage Obtained in Class 12.

When was class 12 result 2018 declared?

May 26
CBSE 12th result 2018: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) examination will release the results of Class 12 tomorrow that is May 26 at

When was CBSE Class 12 Result Declared 2018?

CBSE 12th result 2018: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) examination will release the results of Class 12 tomorrow that is May 26 at This year, Microsoft through their app SMS organiser will inform students about their results, if they are offline also.

When was CBSE 12 Result Declared 2018?

CBSE 12th Result 2018 – The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) announced CBSE Class 12th Result on May 26, 2018. The result was declared at 12:20 pm. Candidates can check the result of CBSE Class 12 online on the official website i.e. on and

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