How can I reach Lakshadweep from Mangalore?
The fastest way to reach from Mangalore to Agatti Island is cab to Bangalore, then flight to Cochin International Airport, then flight to Agatti Airport and takes 11h 49m. The recommended way to reach from Mangalore to Agatti Island is train to Ernakulam Jn, then flight to Agatti Airport and takes 13h 15m.
How can I go to Lakshadweep by train?
There is no rail connectivity to Lakshadweep, as it is an island, 300 kms off the coast of Kerala.
How far is Lakshadweep from Cochin?
Distance Between Kochi to Lakshadweep
Distance between Kochi to Lakshadweep by Road is | 496 Kms |
Travel Time from Kochi to Lakshadweep by Road is | 16:17 hrs |
Nearest Airport in Kochi | Cochin International Airport (9.93, 76.27) |
Nearest Airport in Lakshadweep | Agatti Aerodrome (10.6, 72.6) |
How can I go to Lakshadweep?
Lakshadweep Island can be reached by ships and flights operated from Kochi. For all tourist purposes Kochi is the gate way to Lakshadweep. Agatti and Bangaram islands can be reached by flight from Kochi. Indian Airlines operate flights from Kochi.
What is the best time to visit Lakshadweep?
The best time to visit Lakshadweep is from October to mid May. From mid May to September it is rainy. Though all the resorts in Lakshadweep are open throughout the year, reaching there by ship is difficult during monsoon.
Is passport needed for Lakshadweep?
Let me confirm that: For any INDIAN Traveller, only a valid Photo ID card like Adhar, voters ID, Passport, Driving license , required to visit Lakshadweep along with entry permit. Passport is NOT compulsory.
How much does a trip to Lakshadweep cost?
Package rate for Five Days Lakshadweep Samudram Package.
Class of Accommodation | Transportation Cost | Tour Charges |
First (Adult) | Rs.18,000/- | Rs.12,500/- |
First (Child) | Rs.14,000/- | Rs.8,000/- |
Second (Adult) | Rs.12,000/- | Rs.10,500/- |
Second (Child) | Rs.10,000/- | Rs.7,000/- |
Can Indians go to Lakshadweep?
Permits. No matter if you are an Indian or a foreigner, having possession of a permit is an absolute obligation. Indians are permitted to travel to Bangaram, Kadmat, Kavaratti, Kalpeni and Minicoy. Make sure you make your travel bookings way in advance as number of tourists allowed on Lakshadweep islands is limited.