How do I delete a class in AngularJS?

How do I delete a class in AngularJS?

Assign value true to the $scope. class1 and $scope. class2 variables. Click on the button to remove the class.

How do I delete a class?

jQuery removeClass() Method

  1. ❮ jQuery HTML/CSS Methods.
  2. Change the class name of an element. How to use addClass() and removeClass() to remove one class name, and add a new class name.
  3. Remove class using a function.
  4. Remove several class names.
  5. ❮ jQuery HTML/CSS Methods.

How do you add or remove a class in Angular 8?

To install the latest version of Angular CLI, open a terminal and run the following command:

  1. Angular add and remove class using ngClass. Syntax of ngClass directive allows Angular add and remove class.
  2. Setup and configure Angular add and remove class project. Edit app. component. ts file to add two custom directive.

How do I add and remove a class in Angular 6?

“add and remove class in angular 6 examples” Code Answer

  1. // element.classList.add(“newClass”);
  2. // or.
  3. // element.className += “newClass”;
  4. // Example.
  5. document. querySelector(“button”). onclick = function addNewClass() {
  6. document. querySelector(“.elementToChange”). classList. add(“newClass”);

How do you use ngClass?

ngClass Using String Syntax This is the simplest way to use ngClass. You can just add an Angular variable to ng-class and that is the class that will be used for that element.

How do I add and remove a class in angular 6?

How do I delete a class on click?

click(function () { $(“#btnClass”). removeClass(“btnDiv”). addClass(“btn”); }); }); you can also use switchClass() method – it allows you to animate the transition of adding and removing classes at the same time.

How do you remove a class from an element?

To remove a class from an element, you use the remove() method of the classList property of the element.

How do you remove a class in CSS?

Use classList. remove() to Remove CSS Class From Element With JavaScript. The classList property returns the list of classes applied to an element. It helps to add, remove and toggle CSS classes attached to an element.

How do I add or remove a class in angular 6?

How to add and remove class using ngclass in AngularJS?

In this tutorial, I show how you add and remove class using ngClass in AngularJS. In ngClass directive either you can just pass the $scope variable which contains the classes or use the expressions to add or remove the class. ng-class=” {class-name: expression1, class-name: expression2.}” In the demonstration, I am using the expression syntax.

What is the syntax of ngclass directive in angular?

Syntax of ngClass directive allow Angular add and remove class. An example of ngClass to add a class based on condition and we are setting font color white and background: red for even number using ngClass. In the previous few articles where we have learned details on angular directive and how to create an angular custom directive.

How to dynamically change class with angular?

Use the ngClass directive on the element where you want to dynamically change class with Angular. If you found this tutorial helpful then don’t forget to share.

How to bind an object as a value in ngclass?

Remember ngClass also supports an object as a value: Another way to achieve the same thing is to use class binding. This is ideal for a single class: When we use object literals, the key represents the class that we are going to configure for the element, while the value represents whether the class should be applied to the element.

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