How do I jump to the end of a line in Vim?

How do I jump to the end of a line in Vim?

15 Answers. Just the $ (dollar sign) key. You can use A to move to the end of the line and switch to editing mode (Append). To jump the last non-blank character, you can press g then _ keys.

How do I navigate to the end of a file in vi?

  1. Ctrl + Home = Jump to start of file.
  2. Ctrl + End = Jump to end of file.

How do you move to the end of a line?

You can use the keyboard to move the insertion point and scroll document.

  1. Home – move to the beginning of a line.
  2. End – move to the end of a line.
  3. Ctrl+Right arrow key – move one word to the right.
  4. Ctrl+Left arrow key – move one word to the left.
  5. Ctrl+Up arrow key – move to the beginning of the current paragraph.

How do you go to end of line in Unix?

Use the following shortcuts to quickly move the cursor around the current line while typing a command. Ctrl+A or Home: Go to the beginning of the line. Ctrl+E or End: Go to the end of the line.

How do we go to the end of a line in Linux?

2 Answers. CTRL + E will take you to the end of the line.

How do I see the end of a file in Linux?

The tail command is a core Linux utility used to view the end of text files. You can also use follow mode to see new lines as they’re added to a file in real time. tail is similar to the head utility, used for viewing the beginning of files.

How do you go to end of line in Vscode?

ALT + SHIFT + O : Mark characters from cursor to end of line.

How do you go to the end of a line on a Mac?

Text Navigation Shortcuts

  1. Jump to beginning of a line – Command+Left Arrow.
  2. Jump to end of a line – Command+Right Arrow.
  3. Jump to beginning of current word – Option+Right Arrow.
  4. Jump to end of current word – Option+Right Arrow.
  5. Jump to beginning of all text – Command+Up Arrow.
  6. Jump to end of all text – Command+Down Arrow.

What is the shortcut to go to the end of the line?

Text editing

Action Windows macOS
Go to end of line End or Fn + → ⌘ Cmd + → or Ctrl + E
Go to start of document Ctrl + Home ⌘ Cmd + ↑
Go to end of document Ctrl + End ⌘ Cmd + ↓
Go to previous word Ctrl + ← or Ctrl + / ⌥ Opt + ←

How do you go to the end of a line in Terminal Mac?

Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel.

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