How do I know if I have sinus infection or flu?

How do I know if I have sinus infection or flu?

– Aches come with both viruses, but are much more focuses with a sinus infection. The flu spreads muscle aches throughout the body. A sinus infection causes pain in the face, jaw, throat and sinuses. A cough may come with both illnesses, but those with sinusitis usually only cough at night.

Can the flu cause a sinus infection?

Even if you’re usually healthy, the flu can knock you off your feet for days — even weeks. And it doesn’t always happen, but there’s a chance that it could lead to more serious health problems, or “complications,” like sinusitis (sinus infections), bronchitis, or pneumonia.

What are the warning signs of a sinus infection?

Common symptoms of sinus infection include:

  • Postnasal drip.
  • Discolored nasal discharge (greenish in color)
  • Nasal stuffiness or congestion.
  • Tenderness of the face (particularly under the eyes or at the bridge of the nose)
  • Frontal headaches.
  • Pain in the teeth.
  • Coughing.
  • Fever.

How do you tell if the flu is turning into pneumonia?

When a virus causes your pneumonia, you’re more likely to notice symptoms over several days. Early signs will look like the flu — such as fever, dry cough, headache, and weakness — but get worse in a day or two.

Will sinus infection heal itself?

Sinus infections are very common. Symptoms normally go away on their own within 10 days. OTC medications and natural remedies may help relieve your symptoms. If your symptoms last more than 10 days, talk to your doctor.

Why do I feel flu-like symptoms all the time?

What causes flu-like symptoms? Many types of infections, inflammatory disorders, and other conditions can cause flu-like symptoms. Common infections include flu (influenza), pneumonia, appendicitis, and urinary tract infections.

What is better for a sinus infection?

Home remedies to help relieve symptoms of a sinus infection (sinusitis) you should drink plenty of water, inhale steam and use a humidifier, take hot, steamy showers, use mentholated preparations such as Vicks Vapor Rub, and iIrrigate the sinuses once or twice a day using a Neti pot or Sterile Saline Mist Spray.

If you have a sinus infection or are around someone who does, you’re probably wondering if sinus infections are contagious. The answer is yes and no. If a sinus infection is caused by a virus like the flu or a cold, then that illness may be contagious. However, sinus infections themselves are generally not contagious.

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