How do I move my taskbar back to the bottom Windows 10?

How do I move my taskbar back to the bottom Windows 10?

To move your taskbar back to the bottom of your screen, simply right-click on the taskbar and uncheck Lock all taskbars, then click and drag the taskbar down to the bottom of the screen.

How do I move the menu bar in Windows 10?

Drag the Taskbar Into Place

  1. Right click the taskbar and make sure there is no checkmark next to Lock the taskbar.
  2. Left click an empty spot on the taskbar, hold and drag the taskbar to the edge where you want it to show, then release.

How do you move the bar at the bottom of the screen Mac?

Hold down the SHIFT key and grab the Dock’s handle bar, which separates the app icons from the folder icons and Trash, then drag the Dock to the Left, Right, or Bottom of the screen to relocate it to that position.

How do I move the taskbar to the bottom in Windows 11?

To change it, place the cursor just to the right of the “03”, press Backspace once, then type in the number corresponding to the taskbar position in the list above (such as “02” for moving the taskbar to the left side, for example). When you’re done, click “OK.” Close Registry Editor, then restart your PC.

How do I restore the bar at the bottom of my screen?

1. Right click on the taskbar, un-check Lock taskbar > put the cursor at the edge of the taskbar, click and Hold > drag it down to the bottom > right click again, put a checkmark on Lock the taskbar.

How do I move a window bar down?

Move the Taskbar

  1. Right-click an empty space on the taskbar, and then click to uncheck Lock the taskbar. The taskbar must be unlocked in order to move it.
  2. Click and drag the taskbar to the top, bottom, or side of your screen.

How do I move the menu bar on my Mac Big Sur?

Customize the menu bar with Control Center in macOS Big Sur

  1. Click the Control Center icon in the top right corner (two pill shapes)
  2. Hover over a Control Center setting you’d like in your menu bar, then click and drag it to the menu bar and let go.
  3. You can add any of the Control Center settings to the menu bar.

How do I move the Safari toolbar to the bottom?

Here are the steps to move the Safari iPhone Address bar to the bottom of the screen from Customize menu:

  1. Launch the Apple Safari on the iPhone.
  2. Open any website of your choice.
  3. Tap on the aA within the address bar.
  4. Select the Show Bottom Tab Bar option from the menu.

How do I move the taskbar to the bottom of the screen?

On Windows 7 (or older) Left-click on an empty space on your computer’s Taskbar. With the click still held, move your mouse to the bottom of your screen, basically dragging the Taskbar to the bottom, and the Taskbar will be moved there. Once the Taskbar has been moved to the bottom of the screen, let go of the click.

How do I find the bottom of the taskbar in Windows 10?

Right-click on an empty space on the Taskbar and click on Properties in the resulting context menu. In the Taskbar tab of the window that pops up, open the dropdown menu next to the Taskbar location on screen: option. Click on Bottom to select it.

Why is my taskbar on the left side of the screen?

By default, the Windows taskbar sits at the bottom of the screen on Windows 10 and the earlier version of Windows. However, at times one can end up moving the taskbar to the right or left side of the screen. This usually happens due to an accidental mouse click or when you press a wrong keyboard shortcut.

How do I change the default taskbar location in Windows 10?

1 Go to the Start menu and click the gear icon to open the Settings. Navigate to Personalization and select Taskbar. 2 Look for the “Taskbar location on screen” option. 3 Click the drop-down menu and select “Bottom”.

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