How do I reset my Roomba 500 battery?

How do I reset my Roomba 500 battery?

Reset the Roomba battery 500 and 600 series

  1. Turn on your Roomba by pressing the button “Clean”
  2. Keep pressed during 10 seconds the buttons “Spot” and “Dock” that are placed above and under the button “Clean”
  3. Release the buttons at the same time and you will hear the typical sound of beginning of the Roomba.

Why does my Roomba keep saying error?

Overview. Error one (1) means your robot is on an obstacle or an uneven surface and a side wheel is stuck. If this is the case, lift your robot off the floor, place it in the center of the room, and restart the clean cycle. If this error occurred on a flat surface, check the wheels for obstructions.

What are the Roomba error codes?


Roomba beeps “uh-oh” and says… Likely Cause What To Check
“Error one (1). Move Roomba to a new location then press CLEAN to restart.” Roomba is stuck with a wheel hanging down or Roomba is stuck. Side Wheels
“Error two (2). Open Roomba’s extractor frame and clean extractors.” The extractors cannot turn. Extractors

How do I reset my Roomba battery?

How to reset the Roomba battery?

  1. Press the CLEAN button to turn on the Roomba.
  2. Hit the SPOT and DOCK buttons simultaneously for 10 seconds.
  3. Release both buttons at the same time as soon as you hear the typical beep sound.
  4. Stop loading the robot for at least 12 hours and then try it.

How do I fix Error 10 on my Roomba?


  1. If Roomba gives this error when it is stuck under an obstacle, move Roomba to a new location and press CLEAN to restart.
  2. Check the side wheels for obstructions.
  3. Push the wheel up and down several times and shake out any loose debris that may be trapped in the wheel well.

Why is my Roomba blinking orange?

The flashing orange light means it senses that the battery has been discharged and when docked it is recharging. Do not interrupt the cycle of charging the orange blinking light will cease and the unit should operate normally once charging is complete.

Why is my Roomba not vacuuming?

What is this? A Roomba not picking up comes down to not cleaning the brushes and filter at least once per week (twice if you have pets) or replacing them after a certain period of time. iRobot recommends replacing the filter every 2 months and the brushes every 6 to 12 months.

How do you fix a Roomba that won’t charge?

If your Roomba is not charging, clean the charging ports with a soft cloth and some rubbing alcohol to remove dust, hair, or gunk accumulation. You may also have to reinstall or replace your battery or charging dock or even reset the Roomba to factory settings.

How long do iRobot roombas last?

You’ve probably seen Roomba commercials on TV or the internet, and you’ve also likely seen how expensive some models are. But do they last long? A Roomba vacuum clean can last you between 2 to 6 years.

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