How do I sort a specific column in Unix?

How do I sort a specific column in Unix?

-k Option: Unix provides the feature of sorting a table on the basis of any column number by using -k option. Use the -k option to sort on a certain column. For example, use “-k 2” to sort on the second column.

How do I sort a column in Linux?

Sorting by single column requires the use of the -k option. You must also specify the start column and end column to sort by. When sorting by a single column, these numbers will be the same. Here is an example of sorting a CSV (comma delimited) file by the second column.

How do I sort in Unix?

Unix Sort Command with Examples

  1. sort -b: Ignore blanks at the start of the line.
  2. sort -r: Reverse the sorting order.
  3. sort -o: Specify the output file.
  4. sort -n: Use the numerical value to sort.
  5. sort -M: Sort as per the calendar month specified.
  6. sort -u: Suppress lines that repeat an earlier key.

How do I sort a column by bash?

Sort allows us to sort a file by columns by using the -k option. Let us start by creating a file with more than one column. In sort, we separate a column by a single space.

How do I sort alphanumeric data in Unix?

You can always perform sort with argument -V to sort alphanumeric string.. You should mention that according to the manual, ‘-V’ stands for “–version-sort” and is descrived as “natural sort of (version) numbers within text” — taken from Ubuntu 20.04 standard repository.

How do I sort by second column?

Use the -k option to sort on a certain column. For example, use ” -k 2 ” to sort on the second column. In old versions of sort, the +1 option made the program sort on the second column of data ( +2 for the third, etc.).

How do I sort ascending in Linux?

How to Sort Files in Linux using Sort Command

  1. Perform Numeric Sort using -n option.
  2. Sort Human Readable Numbers using -h option.
  3. Sort Months of an Year using -M option.
  4. Check if Content is Already Sorted using -c option.
  5. Reverse the Output and Check for Uniqueness using -r and -u options.

How do I sort two columns in Unix?

How do I sort a directory in Unix?

Simply open the Nautilus File Manager and click on the Files menu in the top bar.

  1. Then select the Preferences option from the File menu; this will open the Preferences window in the “Views” view.
  2. Select the sort order through this view and your file and folder names will now be sorted in this order.

How do I sort a column in R?

To sort a data frame in R, use the order( ) function. By default, sorting is ASCENDING. Prepend the sorting variable by a minus sign to indicate DESCENDING order.

How do I sort by column?

Select a cell in the column you want to sort. On the Data tab, in the Sort & Filter group, click Sort. In the Sort dialog box, under Column, in the Sort by or Then by box, select the column that you want to sort by a custom list.

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