How do I turn off suggestions in Google Docs?

How do I turn off suggestions in Google Docs?

Accept or reject all suggestions

  1. On your computer, open a document at
  2. Click Tools. Review suggested edits.
  3. A box will appear in the top right.
  4. To preview what your document will look like with or without the changes, click the Down arrow. and choose an option.
  5. Click Accept all or Reject all.

What is the difference between thinking of you and miss you?

Thinking of you means just that. You are thinking of the other person, most likely fondly ( you may also miss them but that is not explicit here). Miss you means you wish the two of you were together. It is an expression of longing.

How do I turn quotation marks around?

How to Change the Existing Quotation Mark Style

  1. Press the Ctrl+H shortcut key to open the Find and Replace dialog box.
  2. Enter ” in both the Find what and Replace with boxes.
  3. Select Replace All to convert all quotation marks in the document to your preferred style.

What is the difference between [] and ()?

[], are used for “commands”, whereas parenthesis, (), are used for functions. In other way, the most common use of () parenthesis in programming is strictly the mathematical use of all the symbols. The other symbols are reserved for other purposes. The [] bracket may be used for specific function as in GG.

What are straight quotes and smart quotes?

“Smart quotes” are the ideal form of quotation marks and apostrophes, and are commonly curly or sloped. “Dumb quotes,” or straight quotes, are a vestigial constraint from typewriters when using one key for two different marks helped save space on a keyboard.

What is a smart quotation mark?

Smart apostrophes, also known as curly or typographer’s apostrophes, are the professional-looking marks preferred by most publishers. In word processors you will probably get them by default, thanks to a feature called smart quotes. Smart apostrophes are the marks you’ll see in this paragraph and throughout this post.

How do I get rid of smart quotes?

To disable smart quotes,

  1. On the File tab, click Options.
  2. Click Proofing, and then click AutoCorrect Options.
  3. In the AutoCorrect dialog box, do the following: Click the AutoFormat As You Type tab, and under Replace as you type, select or clear the “Straight quotes” with “smart quotes” check box.
  4. Click OK.

What do smart quotes look like?

Smart quotes are usually curved in shape and have different opening and closing versions for use at the beginning and end of quoted material, respectively. Dumb (or straight) quotes are usually simple tapered vertical or angled marks.

What are pointy brackets called?

Specific forms of the mark include rounded brackets (also called parentheses), square brackets, curly brackets (also called braces), and angle brackets (also called chevrons), as well as various less common pairs of symbols.

Is it correct to say thinking of you?

Thinking of you seems to be used more in the context of a relationship, intimacy, concern for wellbeing, and in the future, etc. Thinking about you seems to be used more in reflective concerns, remembering a past event, relationship, or in considering someone’s qualifications. But they’re largely synonymous.

What are straight quotes?

Straight quotes are the two generic vertical quotation marks located near the return key: the straight single quote ( ‘ ) and the straight double quote ( ” ). Curly quotes are the quotation marks used in good typography.

What is a smart closing quote?

When you type a quote mark, they automatically change them from straight to curly. We don’t see it happen. They’re smart because they automatically detect which way the curl should go depending on where in the text you need the quote, such as after a space (opening quote) or after a letter (closing quote).

What I am thinking meaning?

‘Thinking’ refers to a process of thought, forming an opinion or judgment. When expressing ‘I am thinking of’ you are letting someone know what you are personally thinking. Here are some examples: “I’m thinking of checking out the new movie.”

What is smart quotes in Google Docs?

Type Shift + ‘ to add a double quote, which Google Docs defaults to using Smart Quotes for. They’re called Smart because they automatically identify if they should be formatted as start or end quotes.

Which is correct thinking of you or thinking about you?

“Thinking about you” means that you’re actually thinking thoughts about a person. “Thinking of you” to me has a couple of meanings. One is more like “Something reminded me of you.” For example, let’s say your favorite ice cream is strawberry banana swirl.

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