How do you indicate spelling error?

How do you indicate spelling error?

If “incorrect spelling, grammar, or punctuation in the source might confuse readers, insert the word sic, italicized and bracketed, immediately after the error in the quotation” (American Psychological Association, 2010, p. 172). For example, “they made they’re [sic] lunches.”

How do you indicate a typo?

When quoting, the convention is to quote the text exactly as it appears in the source. It is common to mark a misspelling (or other problematical word) that might be otherwise thought to be an error by you (the quoter) by following it with “[sic]”.

How do you do SIC with multiple errors?

You should use [sic] after each mistake, in case you introduce a new mistake. For example, let’s say we use the text you’ve used: Your making me weigh to sleepy.

How do you quote a typo?

If there’s a typo in a quotation, you use [sic] to show the reader that the error is in the original source and that you’re faithfully quoting it just as it appeared.

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