How do you measure obscuration?
In case of fire experiments, the smoke obscuration is measured as the ratio of the intensity of light received when passing through the smoke to the initial intensity, also known as the transmittance of the medium.
What is obscuration in particle size analysis?
In the HIAC 9703+ liquid particle counter, the light source is a laser diode, which illuminates individual particles in the stream to generate a shadow or blockage of light on the detector. This blockage is called ‘obscuration’.
What is obscuration range?
We use the obscuration, or the amount of light blocked or scattered by the particles, as a measure of the concentration of particles within the Mastersizer 3000. We recommend ranges of obscuration based on the expected particle size, which are different for wet and dry dispersions.
How is particle count measured?
Sampling Flow Rate and Sample Time – Particle counts are measured by air particle counters as a function of concentration per unit volume (e.g., particles per cubic meter or cubic foot). Sample time accuracy is also critical for measuring the sample volume at a given sample rate.
What is obscuration per meter?
The term Obscuration is used as unit of measurement for sensitivity of smoke detector. Obscuration definition : It is the measurement unit for sensitivity of the smoke detectors. It is measured in obs/m or obs/ft.
How do you measure smoke obscuration?
Smoke obscuration is measured via the fraction of white (i.e. nonmonochromatic) light transmitted horizontally above the combustion chamber. Samples are normally exposed in the vertical orientation.
Which is called as obscuration technique?
The laser light source is used to illuminate the individual particles resulting in a shadow or a blockage of light. This shadow or blockage is often called “obscuration”, which is how this particular analytical technique was granted its name.
How does a mastersizer work?
How it works. The Mastersizer 3000 uses the technique of laser diffraction to measure the particle size and particle size distribution of materials. It does this by measuring the intensity of light scattered as a laser beam passes through a dispersed particulate sample.
What is a particle measurement?
Particle size analysis, particle size measurement, or simply particle sizing, is the collective name of the technical procedures, or laboratory techniques which determines the size range, and/or the average, or mean size of the particles in a powder or liquid sample.
What is smoke obscuration?
The term Obscuration is used as unit of measurement for sensitivity of smoke detector. Obscuration definition : It is the measurement unit for sensitivity of the smoke detectors. Higher the value of obscuration, higher the smoke concentration levels and lower the visibility. It is measured in obs/m or obs/ft.