How do you open the door in brightstone Cove?

How do you open the door in brightstone Cove?

Opens a locked door in Brightstone Cove Tseldora. Before it there is another one that says ”too heavy to open”. Smash the door with a strong attack. After that use the key on the locked door.

Where do I use the antiquated key?

This key can be used to open up a shortcut bypassing the Ruin Sentinels boss fight. From the Exile Holding Cells bonfire, go through the Bastille ramparts, and head down to the main grounds. Look for a boarded up doorway and smash through it.

Where do I go after Chapel threshold?

Lower Brightstone Cove: From the Chapel Threshold, enter the township of Brightstone Cove straight ahead. Drop off the ledge to the right after going down the steps that come after the bonfire; when you see the first mage immediately turn right outside, drop down and enter the subsequent hallway.

What do I do with brightstone key?


  • Leads to a chest containing a Fire Seed, Great Fireball and the Black Knight Ultra Greatsword in the room where spiders fall from the ceiling (on the way to The Duke’s Dear Freja boss fight).
  • When opening the door to the room that contains the chest, it will trigger a spider to spawn.

Where do I get the undead Lockaway key?

Found in Huntsman’s Copse, from the Undead Lockaway bonfire, in a round building located on the ledge that leads towards the waterfall. The key is on a corpse inside. It’s guarded by Rogues.

How do you summon Pate for the last Giant?

Mild-mannered Pate can be summoned for this fight if the player is in Human Form, and has cleared the area he sits outside and exhausted his dialogue in the Forest of Fallen Giants (and thus received the White Sign Soapstone). His summon sign is located just outside the fog gate to the right.

What does brightstone key open?

Opens a locked door in Brightstone Cove Tseldora in the room after the black phantom villager, where Parasite Spiders come from the ceiling. Through the door is more spiders and a chest containing a Fire Seed, Black Knight Ultra Greatsword, and Great Fireball.

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