How do you send Ctrl break in SecureCRT?

How do you send Ctrl break in SecureCRT?

When using any of the keymappings supplied with SecureCRT, you can generate a break by using the CTRL plus PAUSE/BREAK key combination. You can also use the Button Bar or Keymap Editor to arbitrarily map the Telnet function TN_BREAK to a button or to any key you like.

How do I send commands to all SecureCRT sessions?

To open the Command window, select Command window on the View menu. Once all your sessions are started as tabs, right-click in the Command window and choose Send Commands to All Sessions. With this option enabled, each command entered into the Command window is sent to every tab in the SecureCRT window.

How do you send a break in PuTTY?

The traditional key sequence for sending this signal from a PC keyboard is Ctrl-Break. Currently, this sends ^C in PuTTY. It doesn’t seem like a great loss to reassign it to sending a “break” signal. The previous behaviour of the Ctrl-Break key sequence can be accessed using Ctrl-C.

How do I add commands to SecureCRT?

Create a button command for a menu command

  1. Right-click on an empty area of the button bar and select New Button… to bring up the Map Button dialog.
  2. Choose Menu Function from the Function drop-down list, and then select a function from the center list, like MENU_TAB_CLONE.
  3. Enter a button label and Click OK.

How do you Ctrl break on a Mac?

Use ⌘ . on Mac to stop the code. cntrl-esc works like cntrl-break on my macbook pro to stop Excel vba running under Windows 7.

How send Ctrl Z in PuTTY?

With putty, you can use the “-raw” command-line option, and then sending CTRL-Z or CTRL-D should work.

What does Ctrl C do in PuTTY?

Highlight the text in Windows. Press Ctrl+C or right-click the highlighted text and then left-click on Copy in the context menu. Position the cursor in PuTTY where you want to paste the copied text from Windows, then right-click to paste it or press Shift + Insert.

How do I generate a break in SecureCRT using the keyboard?

• When using any of the keymappings supplied with SecureCRT, you can generate a break by using the CTRL plus PAUSE/BREAK key combination. • You can also use the Button Bar or Keymap Editor to arbitrarily map the Telnet function TN_BREAK to a button or to any key you like.

How do I send a break-line condition using a serial connection?

When using a Serial connection, there are several ways to send a break-line condition. • If the VT220 keymap is selected, you can use the F5 key. • When using any of the keymappings supplied with SecureCRT, you can generate a break by using the CTRL plus PAUSE/BREAK key combination.

How do I send a Ctrl+Break sequence?

To send a Ctrl+Break sequence, map a key to send TN_BREAK. Is this information helpful to accomplish what you are looking to do? I’ve got the same problem with CRT Version 5.5.2 (build 475) – Official Release – August 15, 2007.

How to use TN_break with a VT220 keymap?

1 If the VT220 keymap is selected, you can use the F5 key. 2 When using any of the keymappings supplied with SecureCRT, you can generate a break by using the CTRL plus PAUSE/BREAK key combination. 3 You can also use the Button Bar or Keymap Editor to arbitrarily map the Telnet function TN_BREAK to a button or to any key you like.

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