How much recoil does a 257 Weatherby have?
257 Weatherby Magnum has recoil energy of 15.73 foot-pounds when a 100-grain projectile moving at 3,580 feet per second is fired through an eight-pound rifle. The Weatherby Vanguard with scope attached weighs about 8-3/4 pounds, so the math is pretty close. Felt recoil is less than most .
How fast is a 257 Weatherby Mag?
3,400 ft/s
257 Weatherby Magnum is one of the flattest shooting commercial cartridges. It is capable of firing a 115 gr (7.5 g) Nosler Ballistic Tip bullet at 3,400 ft/s (1,036 m/s) generating 2,952 ft⋅lbf (4,002 J) of energy which is comparable to factory loadings of the .
Is a 257 Weatherby good for mule deer?
I’ve killed several muleys with a 257. They work great. The farthest was about 375 or so with the 120 partition. I developed that load to shoot an elk but never got the chance.
Is a 257 Weatherby good for coyote hunting?
Yes, the . 257 Weatherby Magnum is A GOOD CHOICE for coyote hunting, under average conditions, from a mid-range distance, with a medium grain expanding bullet, and with correct shot placement.
How accurate is a 257 Weatherby?
Both of these loads produce consistent 3-shot groups of about ½-inch at 100 yards, and allow me to ring an 8-inch metal gong pretty much every shot out to 500 yards. The . 257 Weatherby Magnum will never be one of the country’s top 10 best-selling hunting cartridges, nor should it be.
What is a 257 Weatherby good for?
Roy Weatherby’s personal favorite. Travels 3,870 fps (80 grain bullet), giving you the flattest trajectory of any 25 caliber rifle in the world. Suitable for long-range varmint shooting but ideal for big game hunting (depending upon bullet weight).
What are the loadings for the Weatherby 257?
Weatherby currently list five loadings for the .257 featuring Hornady, Nosler and Barnes projectiles. The light 87grain Hornady SP at 3825fps is intended strictly for varmints while the 100 grain Interlock at 3602fps and 117 grain RNSP Interlock at 3305 are both intended for use on lighter medium game.
What are the dimensions of the Weatherby Magnum?
.257 Weatherby Magnum – Manufacturer Loading Data. 1 2.539″. 2 3.240″ Powder: 3 2.539″. 4 3.240″ Powder: 5 2.539″.
What kind of brass is in a weatherby257?
Along with this, brass can also be formed from 7mm Remington Magnum cases. Like other Weatherby cartridges, the .257 has a very long free bore (bullet jump) which is important for eliminating pressure spikes which can occur within high charges of powder if the primer flame does not obtain an even burn.
What size barrel do I need for a weatherby257?
The .257 Weatherby, like all over bore cartridges, requires a minimum barrel length of 26″ in order to obtain optimum performance. This cartridge was initially designed for open country work on medium game and at ordinary hunting ranges, is extremely fast killing and spectacular.