Is bicuspid aortic valve life-threatening?

Is bicuspid aortic valve life-threatening?

Yes, about 30% of people with bicuspid aortic valve disease develop complications. They can be very serious, even life-threatening. This is why people diagnosed with BAVD should be under the ongoing care of a specialist in heart valve disease who can monitor changes in the heart, valves and aorta over time.

How long can you live with a bicuspid aortic valve?

1 Aortic stenosis is the most common clinically relevant consequence of BAV and usually presents between 50 and 70 years of age. 2 If left untreated, severe aortic valve stenosis is associated with an annual mortality of 25% and the mean duration of survival after diagnosis is 2–3 years.

Can you drink alcohol with bicuspid aortic valve?

DON’T smoke or drink alcohol or caffeine. DON’T become dehydrated.

How long can a person live with a bad heart valve?

In developing countries, it progresses much more rapidly and may lead to symptoms in children less than 5 years of age. Around 80% of patients with mild symptoms live for at least 10 years after diagnosis.

Should I worry about bicuspid aortic valve?

Why do we worry about the aorta? Patients with BAV may have an enlargement or an aneurysm in the ascending aorta (aortic root). This puts them at increased risk for aortic tearing (dissection) or aortic rupture.

Does valve replacement shorten your life?

Patients who have undergone surgical replacement of the heart’s aortic valve have a shorter life expectancy than the normal population, the loss in life expectancy being particularly marked in the young.

Can bicuspid aortic valve be misdiagnosed?

Previously, this congenital defect was diagnosed at the time of surgery or at postmortem examination. With advances in echocardiography, more cases are being diagnosed before surgery. However, few cases were misdiagnosed as bicuspid aortic valve despite the use of echocardiography [3].

Do you feel better after heart valve replacement?

Most patients report that they feel better and a bit stronger every day. Patients who have had MIVS are generally able to walk earlier than those who have had traditional open-heart surgery. You will be encouraged to sit up and begin walking the day after surgery.

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