Is Guru bikes still in business?

Is Guru bikes still in business?

This Canadian bike brand filed for bankruptcy on the 21st of December, 2015. According to one source inside the company, this isn’t a Chapter 11 type of bankruptcy. That is, it’s not an attempt to reorganize and rise like a Phoenix. This is, according to my source, “indeed the end of Guru.”

Who bought GURU bikes?

Tony Karklins
CSG still owns trademark name. Karklins planning domestic carbon frame business. LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (BRAIN) — Tony Karklins, along with a few other investment partners, has acquired the tooling, machinery and intellectual property from Montreal-based Guru Cycles and plans to set up a composite/carbon factory in the U.S.

Will a bike fit make me faster?

Getting a bike fit can feel like an expensive indulgence reserved for pro cyclists. But it isn’t really—good bike fit is just as important an investment as the bike itself, and can not only increase your comfort on the bike, but make you faster and stronger without a single interval or endurance ride.

How much should a bike fitting cost?

Though they range in cost, a quality bike fitting generally comes in around $200 and usually takes no less than two hours.

Are bike fittings free?

Cost Considerations Many people are initially turned off from fittings, especially beginners, because of the price. Though they range in cost, a quality bike fitting generally comes in around $200 and usually takes no less than two hours.

Should I be able to touch the floor on a bike?

When you turn the pedals, there should be no stretching or reaching, pointing your toe or rocking hips. Trust us, you really shouldn’t be able to touch the floor with both of your feet when you’re sitting on the saddle. This is an all too common myth and will stop you from getting the most out of your bike.

What is a guru fit?

Your GURU fit delivers the best riding position to maximize comfort and efficiency for your adventures on the road. No longer just reserved for roadies and triathletes, GURU is proud to introduce the industry’s first-ever comprehensive mountain bike fit.

What is Guru virtual warehouse™?

GURU’s Virtual Warehouse™ replaces a conventional test ride by allowing you to select individual models to ride on the GURU Fit System™ – featuring thousands of bikes across all categories (road, cyclocross, mountain, tri, recreation) from major manufacturers.

What is the difference between virtual ride™ and Guru bike finder™?

GURU’s Virtual Ride™ combines the real-time action of the DFU™ with our integrated Computrainer unit to track your power output and adjusts resistance to replicate changes in terrain. GURU Bike Finder™ utilizes Rider Scan™ technology to identify the best bike configuration to match your riding preferences. Learn more

Why choose a smartguru bike?

GURU’s innovative camera system captures all key anatomic measurements – driving a tailored bike model/size recommendation to match your riding preferences.

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