Is reading a good revision technique?

Is reading a good revision technique?

It’s fine to start off your revision process with a bit of re-reading – it’s a nice way to re-familiarise yourself with your courses. The danger is spending too long re-reading – and highlighting, underlining, taking notes and summarising isn’t much better (here’s the proof if you’re feeling really nerdy).

What is the best form of revision?

17 Essential Revision TipsStart revising early. Plan your revision using a timetable. Don’t spend ages making your notes look pretty. Set up a nice, tidy study space. Vary your revision with different activities. Stick revision notes all around your house. Sleep on your exam notes (optional) Do lots of practice papers and questions.

How can I memorize revision better?

Force yourself to condense your revision notes down to key words. Use colours and images to help make the information meaningful and memorable. Stick up your mind maps around your home, and look at them throughout your revision and exam period.

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