Is the Big Green Egg a smoker?
The Big Green Egg is not an inexpensive grill with the medium coming in at $600 before accessories, but it’s not just a grill either. You’re really getting a grill, a smoker, a brick-oven, and a convection oven all in one little device.
How does the Big Green Egg smoker work?
The Big Green Egg uses a precise cooking control system that includes an air-tight chamber with a patented air flow system that gives YOU total control. If your egg isn’t hot enough, simply open the either the top or bottom vent to increase air flow. Read the temperature gauge for precise readings to 700°F.
Is Big Green Egg a Kamado?
Kamado grills, including the Big Green Egg, are designed to maintain low temperatures for long, slow cooking and produce a roaring fire for searing steaks or grilling pizzas.
Is the EGG grill also a smoker?
The Egg fits the bill for efficiency. It’s also a very versatile cooker, able to sear, roast, bake, and smoke all in one. However, to really really capture the advantages of its versatility, extra accessories, such as a pizza stone, tiered grill grates, and a heat deflector, are must-haves.
How do I get my Big Green Egg to smoke more?
use either natural charcoal starter cubes (affiliate) made of sawdust and paraffin or use an Electric Fire Starter to quickly light the charcoal. Use larger wood chunks when smoking for long periods. These will burn more slowly, lasting longer for more smoke in your meat.
How long will Big Green Egg stay hot?
The fire spreads slowly to the periphery, giving you as much as 16 to 18 hours of heat and smoke on a single load of charcoal.
Can you use wood in Big Green Egg?
To use your Big Green Egg as a smoker or smoke box, all you need, besides your kamado, is smoking wood. This is an easy technique in which you use wood as a natural flavouring, which also releases a delicious aroma.
Can I use regular charcoal in green egg?
Lighting DOs & DON’Ts Never use lighter fluids, charcoal briquettes, self-starting charcoal in the Big Green Egg as they permanently contaminate your EGG with petrochemicals, tainting the flavour of your food.