Is there a train from Zurich to Frankfurt?

Is there a train from Zurich to Frankfurt?

Travelling from Zurich to Frankfurt by train Deutsche Bahn’s (DB) high-speed ICE trains serve the Zurich-Frankfurt route, running direct from Zurich Main Station to Frankfurt Central Station. There are 10 direct services per day between the two cities, with the first train departing at 05:08 and the last at 21:38.

How long is the train ride from Zurich to Frankfurt?

4 hours and 30 minutes
The average journey time by train between Zurich Hb and Frankfurt (Main) is 4 hours and 30 minutes, with around 21 trains per day.

How long is a flight from Zurich to Frankfurt?

Non-stop flight time is around 1 hour 15 minutes. Quickest one-stop flight takes close to 4 hours. However, some airlines could take as long as 19 hours based on the stopover destination and waiting duration.

How far is Frankfurt to Switzerland by train?

189 miles
Frankfurt (Main) to Zurich Hb by train

Journey time From 3h 54m
Distance 189 miles (304 km)
Frequency 28 trains per day
First train 02:45
Last train 22:06

How far is Zurich from Frankfurt?

The distance between Zürich and Frankfurt am Main is 306 km. The road distance is 413.2 km.

What is the travel time to Zurich using high speed train from Frankfurt Milano and Paris?

The Frankfurt am Main to Zurich train travel takes about 3 hours and 54 minutes, no matter when you leave.

What is the closest German city to Zurich?

Nearest places…

Freiburg Germany 85 km
Munich Germany 243 km
Metz France 261 km
Ansbach Germany 262 km
Darmstadt Germany 277 km

Can you take a train from Germany to Switzerland?

There are many trains connecting Germany to Switzerland. The trains are comfortable and definitely recommended over flights. Berlin to Basel at the Swiss border takes 7h00 to 7h30. Köln (Cologne) to Basel takes 4 hours, and from a train ride from Frankfurt takes less than 3 hours.

How many hours from Germany to Switzerland?

How long is the drive from Germany to Switzerland? The total driving time is 5 hours, 41 minutes.

How do you get from Frankfurt to Switzerland?

The best way to get from Frankfurt am Main to Switzerland is to train which takes 3h 58m and costs €120 – €230. Alternatively, you can bus, which costs €30 – €45 and takes 6h 56m, you could also fly, which costs €55 – €210 and takes 2h 22m.

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