Is ugliness a real word?

Is ugliness a real word?

ugliness noun [U] (UNPLEASANTNESS) something that is unpleasant and threatening or violent: He has ugliness in his heart.

What do you mean by ugliness?

Ugliness is the quality or state of being unattractive. Another kind of ugliness is more figurative, like the ugliness of racism or the ugliness of a bully’s actions. Ugliness comes from ugly and its Scandinavian root meaning “fear or dread.”

What’s another word for ugliness?

In this page you can discover 47 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for ugliness, like: odiousness, horridness, monstrousness, vileness, wickedness, foulness, uncomeliness, loathsomeness, plainness, disfigurement and grim aspect.

What is the difference between beauty and ugliness?

As nouns the difference between ugliness and beauty is that ugliness is the condition of being ugly while beauty is the property, quality or state of being “that which pleases merely by being perceived” (aquinas); that which is attractive, pleasing, fine or good looking; comeliness.

What is the opposite of ugliness?

beauty, pleasantness, righteousness, fairness, attractiveness, attraction, handsomeness.

What does Odiousness mean?

: arousing or deserving hatred or repugnance : hateful an odious crime a false and odious comparison. Other Words from odious Synonyms & Antonyms The Origin of Odious More Example Sentences Learn More About odious.

What is a uglier?

bad-tempered, angry, or sullen. an ugly mood.

What is the relationship between ugliness and beauty?

George E. Moore defines beauty in terms of the good—that of which the admiring contemplation is good in itself—and, accordingly, ugliness in terms of evil—that of which the admiring contemplation is evil in itself (1903). Understanding beauty in terms of order renders ugliness as a form of disorder.

Why is ugliness vital?

Ugliness is a pathway to intimacy. You can’t have intimacy without trust, and you can’t have trust without vulnerability. In order to be vulnerable, you have to reveal parts of yourself that are dismissed as capital-U Ugly. There’s also this piece around disability — the interdependence of disability is inescapable.

What is dious?

deserving or causing hatred; hateful; detestable.

What is a Fleshmonger?

Definition of fleshmonger 1 obsolete : butcher. 2a obsolete : pander. b : a dealer in slaves.

What does ugliness mean in literature?

› the quality of being unpleasant to look at, or not attractive: the ugliness of the buildings. He makes comedy out of his ugliness.

What is the meaning of the word ugly?

Save This Word! very unattractive or unpleasant to look at; offensive to the sense of beauty; displeasing in appearance. disagreeable; unpleasant; objectionable: ugly tricks; ugly discords. morally revolting: ugly crime. threatening trouble or danger: ugly symptoms. mean; hostile; quarrelsome: an ugly mood; an ugly frame of mind.

What is the meaning ofugugliness?

ugliness – the quality of being wicked. nefariousness, vileness, wickedness. evilness, evil – the quality of being morally wrong in principle or practice; “attempts to explain the origin of evil in the world”. filthiness – moral corruption or pollution; “this deformity and filthiness of sin”.

What is the ugliness of the sentiments expressed by local people?

The ugliness of the sentiments expressed by local people has taken some outsiders aback. There was no fight, there was no ugliness; he simply resigned. The city’s ugliness struck me. He has ugliness in his heart. fealdad [feminine, singular]…

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