What age is Baby Jake aimed at?

What age is Baby Jake aimed at?

It first aired on 4 July 2011. The programme features Jake, a nine-month-old baby. Jake is the youngest of ten children all living in a windmill with their parents, all with their first names starting with the first ten letters of the alphabet….Series 1 (2011)

No. Title Original air date
26 “Being Funny” 8 August 2011

Who are the children in Baby Jake?

His six-year-old brother Isaac is the series narrator who can understand all Baby Jake’s giggles and gurgles and opens the door to an imaginary world where Baby Jake sings, dances and baby-talks with his animal friends Pengy Quin, Sydney the Monkey, Nibbles the Rabbit and the Hamsternauts.

Where is Baby Jake filmed?

Staff at a windmill in Lincolnshire are hoping for an increase in visitor numbers after a new BBC children’s programme was filmed there. The Sibsey Trader Windmill near Boston was chosen as the on-screen home for the CBeebies programme Baby Jake.

How old are Topsy and Tim?

At the heart of the show are five-year-old twins, Topsy and Tim. They share the special bond that many twins possess and their stories will be recognised by young children everywhere.

Who is Baby Jake rapper?

Jake Herring
BabyJake, real name Jake Herring, is an artist whose music is a mix of R&B, hip-hop, rap, and soft rock.

Where is BabyJake from?

Fort Myers, Fl
The Fort Myers, Fl native initially made a mark in music under his legal name. In 2016, the title track of his independent debut, the Little MessEP, racked up over 1.3 million streams and illuminated the dynamic nature of his voice.

How tall is Baby Jake Singer?

6 ft. 6 in. tall
If you’re 6 ft. 6 in. tall & rock a burly beard,calling yourself “Baby Jake”might be the most ironically badass thing you could possibly ever do… “I look like a grown man.”laughs the pop, singer, songwriter, and self-proclaimed “rock star”born Jake Herring.

Are Topsy and Tim real life twins?

4 Are Topsy & Tim really twins? No.

Are Topsy and Tim real twins?

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