What are marginal erosions?

What are marginal erosions?

Marginal erosions occur at the edge of the joint line involving exposed bone between the edge of the articular cartilage and the joint capsule. They are a classical feature of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Central erosions occur into bone normally covered by the articular cartilage.

Is erosive arthritis the same as rheumatoid arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis often begins in the hands, but usually involves other joints, such as the wrists and elbows. Erosive osteoarthritis is usually isolated in the fingers, though it sometimes affects the toes.

Is erosive osteoarthritis serious?

Erosive osteoarthritis is an uncommon type of hand osteoarthritis. Compared with typical hand osteoarthritis (OA), this condition is more disabling and causes more severe joint pain and stiffness.

Can you see RA on xray?

For decades, X-ray images have been used to help detect rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and to monitor for the progression of bone damage. In early RA, however, X-rays may appear normal although the disease is active – making the films useful as a baseline but not much help in getting a timely diagnosis and treatment.

Does early rheumatoid arthritis show up on xray?

X-rays can show whether (and how much) joint damage you have, though damage may not show up early on. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasound give a more detailed picture of your joints. These scans aren’t normally used to diagnose RA, but they can help doctors find it early.

Can erosive arthritis affect feet?

Erosive osteoarthritis is considered an unusual disease, mostly developing among women. The typical locations are the interphalangeal joints of the hands. However, on a few occasions it has also been found in hips, shoulders and feet. We describe two patients (one woman and one man) who have this disease in their feet.

What are the symptoms of erosive arthritis?

Symptoms of Erosive Osteoarthritis

  • Abrupt-onset pain (erosive OA is more likely to start suddenly than regular hand OA)
  • Swelling.
  • Redness.
  • Warmth.
  • Tingling in the fingertips (known as paresthesia)
  • Limited function of the hand joints.
  • Morning stiffness that can last up to an hour.

What type of arthritis causes bone erosion?

RA causes chronic inflammation, which leads to gradual bone erosion. Classic RA symptoms include swollen joints, joint stiffness, and joint pain. Some people also have fatigue and loss of appetite. RA often affects the smaller joints like your hands, feet, and fingers, so bone erosion can occur in these joints.

What mimics psoriatic arthritis?

Other conditions that can mimic or have similar symptoms as psoriatic arthritis include axial spondyloarthritis, enteropathic arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis, plantar fasciitis, reactive arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

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