What are the critical stages of irrigation?

What are the critical stages of irrigation?

Initial seedling, pre flowering, flowering, grain formation. Early vegetative, taselling and silking stage.

What is the critical period for watering the plant?

Generally, vegetable demand for water is high during 1) the first few weeks of growth following germination, 2) right after transplanting, and 3) during flowering and fruit development. However, with each vegetable crop there are particular developmental stages when having a good supply of water is critical.

Which stage of irrigation is the most critical stage in wheat?

The CRI stage is considered as the most critical stage for irrigation. The transition zone between root and shoot is known as crown root initiation. When the milky fluid in wheat grain hardens , it is called the dough stage.

What do you understand by critical stage of crop?

The term critical period is commonly used to define the stage of growth when plants are most sensitive to shortage of water. Vegetable crops utilize and transpire more water in the later stages of growth during which moisture stress markedly reduces yield.

Is the most critical stage of irrigation in rice?

Explanation: Panicle initiation is the most critical stage of irrigation in upland rice. Panicle Initiation (PI) is the start of the reproductive phase of rice development.

What is the critical stage of irrigation in cajanus Cajan?

Also seed treatment with biofertilizer viz. Rhizobium at the rate of 25gram per kg of seed is beneficial. Irrigation should be given according to soil type and crop stage. Flowering and pod filling are the critical stages for irrigation.

How do we determine the critical period of water need?

Another way to decide the critical periods is to miss irrigation at different stages of the crop and then relating the corresponding the yield reductions with the yield from control plot which is irrigated normally.

What is the critical period for adding fertilizer and manure?

Fertilizers will have the maximum effect if applied during the peak growing period of 12–24 months. Farmers generally apply 50 kg of urea and 50–100 kg of DAP per acre 1 year after planting.

Which is the most critical stage for irrigation in maize?

Maize crop is sensitive to both moisture stress and excessive moisture, hence regulate irrigation according to the requirement. Ensure optimum moisture availability during the most critical phase (45 to 65 days after sowing); otherwise yield will be reduced by a considerable extent.

Which stage is most critical for irrigation of wheat crop and why?

Crown root initiation and flowering are the most critical stages. Water stagnation should be avoided at the time of germination.

Which is the critical stage in chick pea?

In chickpeas, flowering is considered the critical stage, because environmental conditions that prevail at flowering and the duration of the reproductive phase determine, to a large extent, the percentage of fruit set and the final yield (Savithri et al.

Which is the critical stages of groundnut?

Pegging, flowering and pod development phases are critical for irrigation during which period adequate soil moisture is essential.

What happens to vegetables when there is no irrigation?

Uneven irrigation can lead to misshapen or split roots in carrots, second growth in potatoes, and early bulbing in onions. Cucumbers, melons, pumpkins and squashes, lima beans, snap beans, peas, peppers, sweet corn, and tomatoes are most sensitive to drought stress at flowering and as fruits and seeds develop.

How much water do you need to irrigate a vegetable garden?

Crop Requirements and Responses Vegetable crop water requirements range from about 6″ of water per season for radishes to 24″ for tomatoes and watermelons. Precise irrigation requirements can be predicted based on crop water use and effective precipitation values. Lack of water influences crop growth in many ways.

What is the importance of irrigation in agriculture?

Irrigation is often reduced as fruit and seed crops mature. Plant growth stage also influences the susceptibility of crops to drought stress. Irrigation is especially useful when establishing newly seeded or transplanted crops.

Why do cabbage and lettuce need irrigation?

Being shallow rooted, these crops benefit from frequent irrigation throughout the season. As leaf expansion relates closely to water availability, these crops, especially cabbage and lettuce, are particularly sensitive to drought stress during the period of head formation through harvest.

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