Where is area Code 16057?

Where is area Code 16057?

ZIP Code 16057

Post Office City: Slippery Rock, PA (View All Cities)
County: Butler County
Timezone: Eastern (9:04pm)
Coordinates: 41.0, -80.1 ZIP (~10 mile radius)

What is Slippery Rock pa known for?

Many describe Slippery Rock as an artsy college town punctuated by street fairs, student jazz ensembles playing on sidewalks, public art pieces and a water sculpture by renowned aluminum artist James Myford.

What is slippery rocks zip code?

Slippery Rock/Zip codes

What county is Slippery Rock Pennsylvania in?

Butler County
Slippery Rock/Counties
The borough is located in Butler County, Pennsylvania. Our population at the 2000 census was 3,068. This number swells to more than 11,568 from August through May when Slippery Rock University is in session and more than 8,500 students temporarily reside in the borough and township.

What area code is Slippery Rock PA?

Zip Code 16057 Description The official US Postal Service name for 16057 is SLIPPERY ROCK, Pennsylvania. Portions of zip code 16057 are contained within or border the city limits of West Liberty, PA, Slippery Rock, PA, . The area code for zip code 16057 is 724.

What is the zip code for Butler PA?

Butler/Zip codes

What is the mascot for Slippery Rock University?

Slippery Rock University/Mascot

How Safe Is Slippery Rock PA?

With an overall violent crime rate of only 0.57 per 10,000 people, Slippery Rock (University) has one of the lowest violent crime rates of any school in our top twenty-five.” For more information about campus safety, click here.

What is the zip code for Grove City?

Grove City/Zip codes

How old is Slippery Rock?

FAST FACTS (as of 2020-21) Founded: 1889. Location: Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, a rural community of approximately 3,000 residents located in Butler County, one hour north of Pittsburgh. Campus: 660 acres and more than 60 buildings and structures.

What is Butler PA area code?

Area code 724
Area code 878
Butler/Area codes

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