What are the national daily newspapers?

What are the national daily newspapers?


  • The Times of India.
  • Hindustan Times.
  • Jansatta.
  • Dainik Jagran.
  • Hindustan.

What are three national newspapers?

National Newspapers

  • Irish Daily Mail.
  • Irish Daily Mirror.
  • Irish Daily Star.
  • Irish Examiner.
  • Irish Independent.
  • Irish Sun.
  • Herald.
  • The Irish Times.

Is national daily name of a newspaper?

THE National Daily is fast becoming the newspaper of choice for balanced and well-researched reports and information as it was designed, first and foremost, to shape the opinion of its readers in building a new culture of change and development in Nigeria.

What is the name of the national newspaper?


Name Language of publication Interval of publication
The Hindu English Daily
Hindustan Times English Daily
The Indian Express English Daily
The Morung Express English Daily

How many daily national newspapers are there?

1,279 daily newspapers
According to the most recently available data, there were 1,279 daily newspapers in the United States in 2018. The number of daily newspapers in the U.S. has been on the decline since 1970, when there were 1,748 daily news publications in the country.

Which of the following was not a national paper?

The correct answer is The Times of India.

What is the meaning of national daily?

: a day having significance for and usually celebrated throughout a nation the 26th is a national day of mourning and all activities cease — Stamps specifically : national holiday each colony tended to celebrate its own foundation day to the exclusion of the national day — Ira Raymond.

How many newspapers are in Ghana?

This is a list of newspapers in Ghana. In 2007, there were 136 newspapers. Not all papers currently have a website.

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