What are the routes of immunization?

What are the routes of immunization?

Intramuscular Route (IM):

DTaP, DT, HepA, HepB, Hib, HPV, , IIV4, RIV4, ccIIV4, IPV*, MenACWY, MenB, PCV13, PPSV23*, RZV, Td, Tdap, TT Intramuscular injection
IPV,* MMR, PPSV23,* VAR Subcutaneous injection

What is the injection site for the Covid vaccine?

Administering Vaccine The injection site is approximately 2 inches below the acromion process and above the axillary fold/armpit.

What is the most common site for vaccines?

Deltoid muscle of the arm The deltoid muscle is the site most typically used for vaccines.

Is BCG intramuscular?

BCG VACCINE is not a vaccine for the treatment of active tuberculosis. Administration should be by the percutaneous route with the multiple puncture device as described below. DO NOT INJECT INTRAVENOUSLY, SUBCUTANEOUSLY, INTRAMUSCULARLY OR INTRADERMALLY.

Where is Pfizer vaccine injected?

Administer the vaccine immediately by intramuscular (IM) injection in the deltoid muscle.

Is the Pfizer Covid vaccine intramuscular?

intramuscular (IM) injection.

Where is the anterolateral thigh muscle?

The anterolateral thigh flap lies on the axis of the septum dividing the vastus lateralis and the rectus femoris muscles. The flap is outlined on the axis of the anterior superior iliac spine and the lateral patella. Perforators can be marked with a pencil Doppler to help design the outline of the flap.


Administering the MMR Vaccine Both vaccines are administered by the subcutaneous route. The minimum age for both MMR and MMRV is 12 months of age. The typical age for the second dose of either vaccine is at 4 to 6 years of age.

Is tdap IM or SQ?

Administer all diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis vaccines (DT, DTaP, Td, and Tdap) by the intramuscular route. The preferred injection site in infants and young children is the vastus lateralis muscle of the thigh. The preferred injection site in older children and adults is the deltoid muscle in the upper arm.

Where do you give pentavalent vaccine?

In UIP, pentavalent vaccine comes in a liquid form in a vial which contains 10 doses. Each dose is 0.5 ml to be given by intra muscular injection in anterolateral aspect of the mid-thigh using AD syringes. Discard injection waste as per guideline for immunization waste management.

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