What can cause an annular tear?

What can cause an annular tear?

One primary cause of annular tears is natural disc degeneration with age. As we get older, our spinal discs dry out, stiffen and lose flexibility, which makes them more vulnerable to tears and injuries. Years of repetitive stress and pressure placed on the back can also cause aging discs to tear.

Is annular tear serious?

Tears in the outer ring of the disc, the annulus fibrosus, can cause mild to severe pain depending on where the tear is located. Although annular tears can occur throughout the spine they are more common in the neck and low back as these are more mobile than the thoracic spine.

What does Central annular fissure mean?

An annular fissure is a type of discogenic condition that affects the spine. It usually occurs when the fibers that make up the tough outer covering of the intervertebral disc either break or separate. Collectively, these fibers are known as the annulus fibrosus.

How long does it take for an annular tear to heal?

It takes some patience to allow enough time for the annular tear to heal too. Healing may take as long as 18 months to two years. In the meantime, being faithful about following the physician’s and physical therapist’s treatment plans is critical to avoiding surgery.

Are annular tears caused by trauma?

What are the Causes of an Annular Tear? Annular tears often result from gradual wear and tear or sudden, traumatic injury. The factors leading to an annular tear are usually as follows: Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD): DDD occurs when the spinal discs begin to break down, or degenerate, from excess wear and tear.

What makes an annular tear worse?

Without proper care and treatment, an annular tear will continue to worsen. When that happens, the following complications can occur. Herniated disc. Continued stress and pressure from daily activities, sports, or heavy lifting can eventually cause a torn disc to herniate.

Why are annular tears so painful?

Annular tear symptoms occur when the annular ligament tough exterior rips allowing the internal jelly (nucleus pulposus) to leak out. The annulus is filled with nerve fibers that are very sensitive to pain. The nerves respond strongly to the seepage of the internal nucleus jelly.

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