What does advertised elsewhere mean?

What does advertised elsewhere mean?

LEW = the item is Listed Elsewhere. PIOG = this item is Posted In Other Groups. LOMS = this item is Listed On Multiple Groups. SFS = the item is Still For Sale.

How do I get out of selling an item on eBay?

Ending a listing

  1. Go to the Active listings page in Seller Hub.
  2. Select the checkbox next to the item you want to end.
  3. From the dropdown menu, select End item.

Can I list on eBay and Facebook marketplace at the same time?

It’s easy! Just go to myeBay Site Preferences and Link your Facebook account. When you connect, new social features will be available. For existing eBay users, linking your Facebook and eBay accounts is done from myeBay under the site preferences tab.

Can I take my item off eBay if someone has bid?

Yes, you may end the listing by cancelling all bids. You may be charged a final value fee based on the amount of the highest bid, or you may sell the item to the highest bidder. If your listing isn’t eligible to be ended early, you can contact any bidders to explain the situation and ask them to retract their bids.

What does no holds mean on Marketplace?

come pick it up soon
NH = No Holds (which means come pick it up soon, or it will go to the next person interested)

Will eBay charge me if I cancel a listing?

Is it better to sell on eBay or Facebook marketplace?

SELLING on Facebook earns you more money than eBay in nearly three times out of four, new research has found. MoneySavingExpert.com (MSE) compared 20 items to see what they fetched on Facebook and eBay and found that you’ll usually see a bigger profit if you sell on the social media platform.

Can you post links on Facebook marketplace?

YOU CAN’T add a link on Facebook Marketplace… GL Godspeed have a great day now.

Can a seller cancel a winning bid on eBay?

Whenever you place a bid, you’re agreeing to buy the item if you win the auction. However, in some situations you can retract your bid. Keep in mind that you can’t always retract a bid once it’s made. Bids on items listed in Trading Cards categories, for example, can’t be retracted.

What is the fee for ending a listing early on eBay?

Because we understand that sometimes it may be necessary to end a listing early, we don’t charge a fee for the first auction-style listing you end early (where a fee applies) per calendar year (January 1 to December 31).”


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