What does Christianity say about good and evil?

What does Christianity say about good and evil?

Christians believe that free will is given by God. Humans therefore have the ability to choose to do good & evil. Catholics believe that as a result of original sin, humans find it easier to choose to do wrong, but with the help of God can choose to do good.

How do religious believers respond to suffering?

Christians should pray either that God will remove the causes of evil or that he should help Christians to bear evil and suffering. If a person has committed a moral evil, eg murder, a Christian would not believe it their place to judge, but they would trust that God would punish the person for his/her action.

Whats the difference between pain and suffering?

Pain requires what the IASP calls an ‘unpleasant sensation’, whereas suffering need not be so sensory on Cassell’s view. For him, suffering only involves ‘distress’. Because of this difference in the necessity of unpleasant sensation, at least some suffering can occur without painful sensation.

What are synonyms for suffering?


  • difficulty.
  • discomfort.
  • hardship.
  • misery.
  • misfortune.
  • ordeal.
  • torment.
  • torture.

Is pain the same as suffering?

To summarize, suffering is not a mere sensation, like pain. Neither is it an emotion, like sadness or fear. It’s a state that encompasses our whole mind, that is made not just of negative emotions but also of thoughts, beliefs and the quality of our consciousness itself.

What does moral suffering mean?

Moral suffering is common in clinical practice. It can be defined as the anguish that caregivers experience in response to various forms of moral adversity, such as moral harms, wrongs or failures, or unrelieved moral stress, that in some way imperil integrity.

Where is the soul in the human body?

The soul or atman, credited with the ability to enliven the body, was located by ancient anatomists and philosophers in the lungs or heart, in the pineal gland (Descartes), and generally in the brain.

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